It is my birthday! 29 rotations on planet earth for little old me. Now, Kevin, I know you’re reading this and desperate to know what you, our Prime Minister could possibly give me, an activist, on my big day? Well Kev, I don’t want much, just a little more honesty from you.

When talking about climate change I have noticed a tendency to try and paint your policies, especially the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) as acting in the interests of people, when really the CPRS is handing out billions of our tax dollars to big polluters. It is a bit rich Kevin.

I have faith in you to do the right thing. You know we are concerned that your name is going to become a dirty word, through dirty dealing at Copenhagen. I believe you are a compassionate human being who would not want to condemn Australians and the global communities to catastrophic climate change and be remembered in history as a coal pusher.

We’ve seen how well you can manipulate numbers, produce amazing rhetoric and make grandiose statements. Now let’s see how much of a leader you can really be. Can you use your smarts, your golden tongue and your power to make real change? Are you brave enough to drop the act and make the changes you claim you want to see?

Up to you Kev, leader or dealer? Do it for me, it is my birthday after all.

[Editorial note: Today was not only Meg’s birthday, but Blog Action Day. And the theme was Climate Change. Soooo, as a birthday present for her we asked her to do a blog … on climate change and her birthday.

Thousands of other people around this world of ours are blogging about climate change today. You can take a look at what other people wrote here.]

[Editorial note 2: Oh and Meg is still walking around wearing her birthday hat.]