Slightly removed from the organised chaos of the Bella Centre (the chief venue for the Copenhagen summit), the Climate Rescue Station is proving to be an oasis of calm and tranquility, a place of relaxation and reflection. A perfect locale to host a new photographic exhibition to illustrate the impacts of climate change around the world. Which is precisely what we did.

Art can be a powerful tool for the social justice movement and it plays an important role in communicating new ideas. The images in exhibition are certainly powerful, although the landscapes and people they depict are blighted by environmental degradation and social upheaval.

The exhibition is the work of Dutch photo agency Noor and it was a very personal project for the nine photographers who took part. As one of the photographers, Philip Blenkinsop explains in the video below, the images were all taken within the last two months so it shows not what will happen in the future, but what is happening right now.

Check the Noor website to see all the images, and details about where the exhibition will show when it goes on tour will be on the blog.