With a second car company in as many days expected to resign membership of the petrol-pushing Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI), Greenpeace Australia Pacific has today called on the remaining car companies that support an effective emissions standard to resign from the FCAI, and for the FCAI be renamed the ‘Full-Throttle Carbon Addicts Institute (FCAI)’

It comes as Tesla has quit the FCAI because of “demonstrably false” claims that the New Vehicle Efficiency Scheme (NVES) will drive up car prices – with Polestar also reportedly considering suspending its membership to the petrol car lobby today.

Comments attributable to Greenpeace Australia Pacific campaigner Joe Rafalowicz:

“Today Greenpeace Australia Pacific calls on all car companies that support an effective New Vehicle Efficiency Standard to suspend their FCAI membership.

‘It has become clear that the FCAI is only interested in representing car brands who want to weaken emissions limits, and it will distort the facts, misuse member data and even fly out expensive consultants from the US to that end – all against the wishes of its broader membership.

“The FCAI is so far out of step with the demands of Australian consumers, who we know want to see cleaner, more affordable electric cars on our roads, sooner. 

“At this point, the FCAI should really be renamed the Full-Throttle Carbon Addicts Institute.

“Car makers that are serious about climate action stand to gain nothing by associating with this increasingly irrelevant lobby group.”

Last month the FCAI released its NVES modelling, suggesting the cost of limits on car pollution could be as high as $38 billion over the first five years – a claim that Greenpeace immediately labelled as “bullshit”.


For more information or to arrange an interview please contact Lisa Wills on 0456 206 021 and/or [email protected]