SYDNEY, March 6, 2019: Greenpeace Australia Pacific has today called on the Prime Minister Scott Morrison and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian to make clear that they will prevent development of two new coal-fired power stations in the Hunter Valley, NSW.

News that a Hong Kong based investment firm has signed a deal with a tiny Australian company to develop two massive new coal-fired power stations in the Hunter Valley in New South Wales are hugely concerning, said Greenpeace Australia Pacific today.

According to emerging reports, local authorities in the NSW Hunter region, including mayor Bob Pynsent, have already been briefed on plans to build a 2000 megawatt coal power station.

“Most of Australia’s ageing dirty coal stations are due to be retired in the next few years. Renewable energy is now 30% cheaper than new coal. The project makes no sense, and the Australian public doesn’t want it,” said Greenpeace Australia Pacific campaigner Jonathan Moylan.

“The fact that an expensive and highly polluting coal project is even being proposed in 2019 shows how completely unhinged from reality the federal climate debate has become.”

“Ucomms polling released on the weekend showed that in the wake of recent bushfires and floods, climate change is now the top election issue. Any serious response to climate change will see our ageing and toxic coal plants replaced with cleaner and cheaper renewable energy.

“Australians are ready to embrace the energy transition. If the Prime Minister Scott Morrison and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian want to show us that they are no longer besotted by coal, they will rule out building these coal plants right off the bat.”

“Right now is the perfect opportunity for the Liberal Party to demonstrate that they are serious about addressing climate change. The climate is changing – but when will the Liberal Party?”

For interviews contact:

James Norman

Greenpeace Australia Pacific Communications Campaigner

0451 291 775 / [email protected]