New government data released today has revealed that energy giant AGL is Australia’s biggest domestic contributor to climate change, emitting a whopping 42.2 million tonnes of carbon emissions in the year 2019-2020.The data confirms that AGL is responsible for 24.6% of electricity sector emissions and 8% of Australia’s total emissions, which primarily comes from the coal burned at the energy giant’s three coal-burning power stations: Liddell, Bayswater, and Loy Yang A.

“Australians are on the frontline of the climate crisis which is primarily driven by the mining and burning of coal, and now AGL has emerged as the biggest climate polluter in the country,” said Glenn Walker, Senior Coal Campaigner at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

“Australians who get their energy from AGL have done so in good faith, trusting that AGL is living up to the marketing reputation it has created, but this data reveals that behind the sleek, modern veneer AGL is still using dirty and dated methods to provide Australians with electricity.”

AGL’s own data confirms that 85% of energy generated by the gentailer comes from burning coal, which comes from its three large coal-burning power stations [1]. Liddell is set to close fully by 2023, but Bayswater is not set to close until 2035 and Loy Yang A is set to close by 2048. 

“Two out of three of AGL’s coal-burning power stations are set to close well beyond what scientists are calling for in order to prevent further catastrophic climate change.”

“In order to protect Australians from the worsening impacts of climate change, all of AGL’s coal-burning power stations need to close by 2030 at the latest and be replaced by clean and safe renewable energy.”

For more information please contact Fiona Ivits on 0487 003 872 or [email protected]


Access the Clean Energy Regulator’s National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) data for the 2019–20 reporting year here.