How We’re Funded
Our campaigns are 100% independently funded by supporters just like you so we can remain fiercely independent. We don’t accept funding from corporations, political parties or governments and remain free from their bias.

Greenpeace Australia Pacific prides itself on independence and integrity, so we never ask for or accept donations that could compromise these values.

How we use your donation
All income and assets are applied solely in pursuit of our charitable purpose.
Primarily, our funds are used to pay for all the campaigns that we run, from safeguarding our oceans to ending the age of plastics, dealing with climate change and promoting environmentally sustainable solutions. A portion of any funds we raise is also re-invested to ensure long-term stability and steady growth of our organisation. And finally, we spend a portion of the money raised on governance and administration to help ensure our organisation is run efficiently and effectively, with optimum oversight.
We also receive some grant money from Greenpeace International, based in Amsterdam, and from private foundations and philanthropic organisations for specific projects.
Annual Reports & Financial Statements
Our books are audited every year, in every office around the world, and we publish our Annual Report on the web so you can see exactly how much money we’re given and how it gets spent.

“It is only through coming together to take action that we can hope to see the change in the world that we all seek. We aren’t expected to do it, we aren’t told to do it, yet nothing short of doing it will see us win. It’s time to get up and get involved.“
Barnaby Lewer – Network Co-ordinator
You can sign up as a Greenpeace donor through the following fundraising channels.
Regular giving
More than 95% of our funding comes from generous individual donors, which allows us to make independent decisions and take action on campaigns that matter the most to our supporters.

Fundraising via phone is the primary channel that we use to get support for our campaigns. With our telefundraisers, we use this channel to reach out to our existing donors and people we hope will consider becoming donors, to inform and update them on the progress of our campaigns.
Direct Mail
While many of us chose to consume news, updates, information, entertainment and more online, there are many who prefer to receive updates from charities, including Greenpeace, in their mailboxes, and they chose to donate in this way. If this sounds like you, feel free to get in touch with our Supporter Relationships team so we can add you to our mailing list. Don’t worry! All our printed materials are printed and produced in the most eco-friendly way possible – using 100% recycled post consumer waste and carbon neutral printers.

Leaving a gift in your Will
Some of our supporters have taken their commitment to a green and peaceful future to the next step – by leaving a gift to Greenpeace in their Will.
This is an incredibly generous and impactful way to leave a legacy. Did you know that one in ten campaigns are funded by supporters who have left a gift to us in their Will?
Donor Charter and Privacy
At Greenpeace, we highly respect donor privacy and adhere to our security policy to preserve donor information. For more information You can read our Donor Charter – it’s out promise to you.