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2024.06 Maccas Satirical BrandJam - Website Design DRAFT 2-2


We did it! Thanks to your efforts, McDonald's has committed to taking deforestation off the menu.

However, they'll only do this by the end of 2030. This is way too late - our native forests and wildlife can't wait any longer.

McDonald’s must commit to taking deforestation off the menu by the end of 2025.

McDonalds Koala Pounder Burger

Hectares of endangered koala habitat destroyed each year for beef production


McDonalds deforestation native animals

Time it currently takes to deforest an area the size of a football field in Australia

2 minutes

McDonalds deforestation native animals

Number of native animals killed, injured or displaced in Australia every year from deforestation

100 million

The images might be fake but the destruction is real

Forest destruction for beef production is fuelling the extinction crisis in Australia. McDonald’s customers would be shocked to learn their Big Mac could be pushing threatened species like the koala to the brink of extinction.

McDonald’s has committed to eliminating deforestation from its supply chain - but only by 2030. This is far too late!

McDonald's MUST commit to taking deforestation off the menu by the end of 2025.

Quoll endangered by deforestation for McDonalds beef

Tell McDonald's to
take deforestation
off the menu

PETITION: We call on McDonald’s to rule out the destruction of forests and any natural ecosystem from their supply chain and commit to only sourcing deforestation-free Australian beef by 31 December 2025.

0 signatures. Help us get to 25000!

McDonalds Deforestation Petition

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Tell McDonald's to take deforestation
off the menu

McDonald's has recently committed to removing deforestation from their supply chain. However, they have committed to implementing this by the end of 2030.

This is 5 years too late, and doesn't reflect the urgency needed to end this crisis. Send an email to the McDonald's CEO telling them to get deforestation off the menu next year!

Australia's deforestation crisis is being driven by the beef industry, and McDonald's is one of the biggest buyers of this beef.

2030 is too late. McDonald's must commit to taking deforestation off the menu by the end of 2025!

2024.06 Diet-Quoll-A 2
By sending this email you give permission for Greenpeace Australia Pacific to contact you with campaign updates. Your information is safe and secure with us – for more information please see ourprivacy policy

Introducing the new
Koala Burger

What's our beef
with McDonald's?

Native Wildlife impacted by McDonalds deforestation

Deforestation crisis served up by the beef industry

In the heart of Australia, forests are vanishing at an alarming rate – an area equivalent to a football field is destroyed every two minutes and a native animal is killed every second. That's the grim reality of Australia's deforestation crisis, fueled mainly by the beef industry, with precious forest and bushland destroyed at an alarming rate.

A deforested area with dead trees on the ground

McDonald's supersized role and impact in the beef industry

McDonald’s is a major buyer of Australian beef and its significant purchasing power makes it influential in shaping industry practices. However, there are concerns about McDonald’s deforestation-free claims and its ability to trace beef supply chains back to the property-level.

McDonald’s is a major buyer of Australian beef
Cleared land for cattle to be used by beef industry which McDonalds is a major buyer

Unwrapping McDonald's environmental policies

Despite its global pledges, McDonald’s is falling short on the deforestation front and lacks clear and transparent policies. McDonald’s has scored low on deforestation initiatives, with concerns raised about the lack of clarity, monitoring, and verification in its supply chain.

The sun shines through the new shoots of eucalyptus tree

Our order: one bulldozer-free beef industry, hold the deforestation

The stakes are high, and the time for action is now. We demand McDonald’s rise to the occasion by 2025 by bringing in rigorous traceability measures and a firm commitment to eliminate deforestation from their supply chain. Together, let's hold the industry accountable and safeguard our precious forests for future generations.

Read more about why Greenpeace is running this campaign.

McDonalds bushland to be impacted by deforestation