It is 1am of Friday 4th April here at the UNESCAP Centre here in Bangkok. A team of NGO lobbyists just saw the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperation (govt delegates) walk out of the room. It had been a Greenpeace tag team effort since 5pm waiting for the outcomes of negotiations and drafting that was to have taken place last evening. The delegates have come out and basically, the negotiations are deadlocked. Japan blames the G77; the G77 blames Japan for continuing to push hard on the issue of “sectoral approaches” that the G77 isn’t happy with. This means that the drafting of a text is far from starting. The parties will meet again at 10am today to negotiate further, hopefully come to some agreement and then draft some text that they will all accept and head home for the end of round one.
1am 4th April&negotiations deadlocked
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