Join the movement to end coal and embrace a 100% renewable energy future.
We are in the grip of a complete ecological crisis. The climate emergency is all around us and is impacting our lives in so many ways – devastating droughts, bushfires all over the country, deadly air pollution, and a reef on life support. No matter who you are, where you come from, or how much you are willing to contribute, you are an important part of this movement.

Coal is the biggest cause of climate change, and the industry and corporations behind it are deeply entrenched in our politics. The era of waiting on politicians to act is over. We simply don’t have time to wait out any more election cycles in the hope that the next government will be better than the last. We are in a climate emergency, and we need to act like it.
That’s where you come in.

By uniting our collective drive, passion and strengths, we will work together to train and mobilise communities to take action that fits the scale of the crisis. Together, we will break free from coal.
When we work together we can create extraordinary change. Throughout history, people power has overcome enormous adversaries and helped shape our lives for the better.
We have solutions. We are a country blessed with abundant sunshine and wind, and we already have the clean renewable technology we need to power past coal and into the best possible future.
By uniting our collective courage, we can demand real solutions at every level, move
past petty politics and build a system that protects life in all its diversity. Together we will break free.