With the Copenhagen climate talks at crunch point, a leaked document from the UN shows that the likely outcome of the meeting is failure. Greenpeace Executive Director, Kumi Naidoo is calling this “the single most important piece of paper in the world today”.

What’s worth such claims? The document, dated this Tuesday, 15 December, is a UN memo analysing the pledges made by developed nations and some others in the run-up to Copenhagen. From this information they’ve calculated that if that’s all that comes out of the deal tomorrow, we’re on track for global temperatures rises of around 3 degrees Celcius. This means runaway global warming.

Scientists and over 100 countries (including our Pacific neighbours) are saying that temperatures should not be allowed to rise by more than 1.5 degrees, while Kevin Rudd and many developed countries are saying they’re committed to reducing emissions so temperatures don’t exceed 2 degrees.

This leaked document shows that the deal that is being developed behind closed doors in Copenhagen will push us straight down the road to catastrophic climate change.

We have 24 hours for world leaders to turn this around – Kevin Rudd needs to hear from you now!

Up until now, Kevin Rudd has been full of lofty rhetoric but Australia’s role has been to block progress and undermine the ambition of the talks. This needs to change – rapidly.


Send a last minute message to remind our Prime Minister that he was elected on a promise to take action on climate change, and that when he speaks at Copenhagen he speaks for us.

Please take just five minutes to call, fax, emailhis offices (see details below) to show him how much Australians want action on climate change. Here are some talking points:

  • We can’t afford for Copenhagen to fail.  We need a global treaty to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees
  • Australia’s weak targets are part of the problem.
  • Kevin Rudd has got a mandate to commit to strong emissions reduction targets and we want him to do it now » in Copenhagen.
  • Australia should commit to cut emissions by 40% by 2020.
  • Australia should stop pushing for loopholes that would allow us to offset our emissions.


Please do one, several or all of these options:

  1. Australian Embassy, Copenhagen: Fax: 0015 45 7026 3686
  2. Australia Parliament House, Canberra: Ph: 02 6277 7700  or  Fax: 02 6273 4100
  3. Send an emial via Kevin Rudd’s online form
  4. Brisbane Electoral Office: Ph: 07 3899 4031 , Fax: 07 3899 5755 Email: [email protected]

Thanks for taking action! Every bit of last-minute pressure helps.


» Read the leaked document