How much money have the presidential candidates taken from the fossil fuel industry?

This list tracks funding to 2016 presidential campaigns from individuals working in the coal, oil and gas industries.

An activist holds a sign outside the Supreme Court as the court arguments in McCutcheon versus the Federal Election Commission. The petitioners ask the Supreme Court to strike down the overall, or aggregate, limits on what an individual can give to all candidates and parties in an election cycle.

Last updated March 21, 2016.

The following data was provided by the Center for Responsive Politics, based on filings made available on March 21, 2016.These totals include funding from individuals working for the fossil fuel industry to each candidate’s campaign committee; they do not include funding via super PACs.

Because of lax regulation of political donations—due in part to the Citizens United Supreme Court decisionit is impossible to track all of the support provided to candidates from the coal, oil and gas industries. Private foundations like Hillary Clinton’s Clinton Foundation and super PACS like Ted Cruz’s Keep the Promise PAC have received millions of dollars from fossil fuel sources, but are not included in this list.

Fossil Fuel Funding to Presidential Candidates


Hillary Clinton — TOTAL: $309,101

Bernie Sanders — TOTAL: $56,460


Ted Cruz* — TOTAL: $1,059,987

*The largest recipient of coal, oil and gas money.

John Kasich — TOTAL: $137,482

Donald Trump — TOTAL: $11,465


Gary Johnson (Libertarian) — TOTAL: $500

Jill Stein (Green) — TOTAL: $250

Suspended Campaigns

Martin O’Malley (D) — TOTAL: $6,750

Jeb Bush (R) — TOTAL: $503,902

Marco Rubio (R) — TOTAL: $374,489 

Ben Carson (R) — TOTAL: $129,141

Rand Paul (R) — TOTAL: $110,573

Carly Fiorina (R) — TOTAL: $60,083

Mike Huckabee (R) — TOTAL: $31,997

Chris Christie (R) — TOTAL: $30,075

Rick Santorum (R) — TOTAL: $2050

Jim Gilmore (R) — TOTAL: $1,000

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