The Greenpeace delegation is in full flight in Bali, and it feels great to be part of such a hard working and organised team. This morning at our team meeting, there was lots of debate about the emerging issue of “the Range”, (which is not a reference to a folk song from the United States). It is in fact a critical new debate about what countries are going to commit to discussing over the next two years.
The key issue is whether or not the deep emissions reductions of 25-40% by 2020, agreed by industrialised Kyoto countries like the Eu and New Zealand, are going to be part of the negotiating mandate moving forward from Bali.
Despite reports in the Australian media this morning that Australia supports the 25-40% range, is this REALLY what the Australian government wants as a starting point? We’re not entirely sure yet. The media ‘s source was an un-named member of the Australian delegation.
If the Prime Minister or the Minister for Climate Change made a public announcement that this is indeed what Australia is going to support it would be a very important sign that Australia is taking the Kyoto process seriously.
And if Australia IS “home on the Range” it would seriously underscore a very deep split between Oz and George W Bush. Ironic really…
Steve Campbell
Greenpeace Australia Pacific Campaigns Manager