Join Pacific Island Represent, the Greenpeace Pacific activist network!

Pasifika Wallaby's players support Pacific Island Represent

Who we are

Pacific Island Represent is a network of passionate Pacific Islanders working together to stop climate change.

We’re working harder than ever to hold the big polluting countries and companies accountable for their contribution to climate change. We run activist and campaign training sessions in the Pacific and plan campaigns together to end fossil fuels!

The climate crisis

We, the Pacific, are staring down the real problem – countries who say they’re acting on climate change, but do the opposite.

Keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees means no new fossil fuels. No way. No how. No matter how politicians try to spin it. But most countries are continuing to burn and export new coal, oil and gas around the world – and they think we don’t see it.

We see through their climate sweet-talk and we know you do too. Pacific Island Represent is about getting the facts straight and not letting countries get away with breaking their promises on climate change.

The countries and companies continuing to profit from climate change will not be the ones to will steer us to safety. We have to work together to stop climate change.