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  • Take part in climate protests around the country

    Following the apalling betrayal from Kevin Rudd yesterday, there are climate change protests springing up all over the country. They’re being organised by grassroots community groups who have asked us to promote them as widely as possible. So if you want to let your outrage be felt, get out there and get involved. Or if…

  • Rudd’s climate placebo: a 5% target

    On Friday, Kevin Rudd announced over half a billion dollars in funding for the NSW coal industry. Today, he announced an emissions reduction target and an emissions trading scheme that will have virtually no impact on reducing emissions and will give billions in handouts to the big polluters. This is a climate action plan that…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Rudd's climate emissions shock and awe hits Greenpeace

    People in the Greenpeace office in Sydney are still in shock that Australian PM Kevin Rudd has just announced an atrocious emissions target of 5% by 2020. Staff and volunteers put their heads up over the partitions, mouths agape, when the news went around. This is one of those moments that puts a very powerful…

  • The Coal Industry’s Christmas Joke

    One thing I always associate with Christmas is terrible jokes. It might be that and awful gag has just fallen out of a broken cracker or, after a bit too much brandy, Dad decides to update us on how his comedy act is coming along. But the coal industry have outdone us all this Christmas…

  • An Ill Wind Blows For Aussie Workers

    As Australian government delegates do nothing in Poznan, our unsupported renewables industry starts to close down back home. Last night, ABC-TV’s 7.30 Report program revealed that hundreds of Australian wind industry employees are about to be sacked, thanks to government inaction on renewables target promises. And there’s a bitter irony. In the same town as…

  • Poznan day 8: Forests Are More Than Just Carbon Sticks

    Paul Winn, our climate and forests campaigner, is in Poznan to talk about the Greenpeace Forests for Climate proposal. The world’s forests are more than just carbon sticks and a market offset approach won’t do much to ensure real emissions reductions to help avert catastrophic climate change. Greenpeace proposes a solution that addresses the need…

  • Poznan day 7: Voices of the climate affected

    This post is from Paul Yaqona, one of our Pacific representatives in Poznan. The Poznan meeting has a bunch of ‘side events’ (including one by Greenpeace on our Forests for Climate proposal). I’ve been to the ‘Local Mitigation and Adaptation Measures of Indigenous Peoples’ side event – and it proved to be a fantastic eye-opener…

  • What are our delegates doing at Poznan?

    The first week of the UN climate change talks in Poznan, Poland are coming to an end, and so far, the 30-strong Australian delegation has remained resolutely silent during the sessions. According to my contacts on the ground at the meeting, the Australian delegates have hardly said a word – apart from suggesting time-wasting agenda…

  • Poznan, Day 3: Coal rears its ugly head – activists to the rescue

    This post is just in from Leah Wickham, one of our Pacific representatives in Poznan. It’s day three of the UNFCCC COP 14, and while world leaders  continue their discussions in Poznan to decide on measures to reduce global emissions, less than two hours away, in Konin, plans are in place to expand an enormous…