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  • An open letter to Kevin Rudd on climate

    Today Greenpeace released this joint statement, together with over 50 Australian environmental organisations. Any day now the Federal Cabinet will be making a decision about the target for cutting greenhouse emissions over the next decade. It’s a crucial moment. We’ll find out what the target is on the 15th – when we will know if…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • It’s your meeting but it’s my home

    This post is just in from Leah Wickham, our Pacific representative in Poznan. I arrived in Poland two days ago, having travelled thousands of miles from the hub of the South Pacific and enduring flight delays, missed connections and lost luggage. Then there’s the cold and the minus-0 temperature. That is agonising for a girl…

  • 40% or bust – call Penny & Kevin

    Late on Friday afternoon, our Minister for Climate Change, Penny Wong, put out a media release stating that Australia would not be announcing it’s greenhouse reduction targets before the international meeting in Poznan. It seems that Cabinet are split on what the target should be. A decision still hasn’t been made but it will be…

  • What is the true cost of coal?

    What would you say is the actual cost of coal? I can tell you that you won’t find the answer on your electricity bill. Nor will you find it on the stock exchange or commodities market. Greenpeace has just released a report called The True Cost of Coal, which looks at the many ways that…

  • People Power

    It was inspiring to see placards such as this “I am a coal miners daughter and I say stop.” being proudly displayed on the day, together we can change the future.

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Knicker-gate : Obama White House laundry scandal!

    That’s the Fox News headline we can expect if US environmental campaigners get their way. A hilarious petition has been launched, to get the White House of President-elect Barack Obama to use a clothes line instead of a dryer. The idea comes from a group I’ve never heard of before, called Project Laundry List*. The…

  • Push Kevin Rudd on climate change action is calling for ideas to mark the anniversary of the Labor Party’s victory over Liberal PM John Howard last year. Crikey is taking pithy comments from the public and will select the best and publish them next week in the high-falutin’ subscriber-only email. This is a great chance to put the pressure on Rudd…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • The energy revolution will not be centralised!

    This week has seen yet another round of protestations from the big end of town about how difficult it will be to cut greenhouse emissions, and how they are going to have to move offshore if a decent emissions trading scheme is introduced. Meanwhile, another renewable energy manufacturer has just announced that they are actually…

  • Penguins Join Brisbane Walk Against Warming

    I personally got involved in WAW because I’m concerned about how climate change is going to affect future generations. When I think of potential conversations with children who will inherit this planet, I want to say that I did everything possible to encourage the government to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Keeping up with WAW…

  • Finding inspiration at the Perth Walk Against Warming

    As I sat waiting for the train wearing my ‘vintage’ 2006 WAW T-shirt, two ladies came and sat by me and said, “So you’re going to the walk too?”  I certainly was, I replied, and asked them why they were going. “Because we have to do something!” said one. “I voted the Rudd government in…