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  • PNG: Land Of The Unexpected

    They say that Papua New Guinea is the land of the unexpected and that’s exactly what researchers found in 1995. Scientists surveyed all things jumping, growing and breathing in the Kikori Basin, an area known as a biodiversity “hotspot”, and one of the most important areas of forest and wetland life in the Asia-Pacific region.…

  • Photos Reveal Truth About Life In A PNG Logging Concession

    A Greenpeace team spent two weeks documenting life and conditions in three Papua New Guinea (PNG) logging concessions. We visited remote villages in Gulf and Western Provinces where logging companies Rimbunan Hijau (RH) and Turama Forest Industries (TFI, a Rimbunan Hijau group company) are felling ancient rainforests and abusing their workers. Destruction and broken promises…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Polluters stand to win with emissions trading scheme

    There is a very real threat that the Rudd government’s proposed emissions trading scheme will only amount to more hot air – which would be disastrous for global warming. Greenpeace has made a submission to the federal government to make sure the scheme protects the interests of Australian households over big business. Of course, it…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • UK jury rules climate damage justifies coal protest

    Greenpeace activists in the UK have been acquitted of criminal damage by arguing that the coal-fired power station they shut down was causing more property damage than they were. A jury has let them off despite the fact that they painted the Prime Ministers name down the side of a chimney at Kingsnorth power station.…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Forests For Climate: The Voice On The Crane

    My name is Daniel Holland, I’m a freelance artist. My Dad is from Abau, Central Province and Mum from Popondetta, Northern Province, Papua New Guinea.I live in Port Moresby and am a volunteer activist with Greenpeace. My first action was in the Pacific Ocean a few months ago, campaigning on the overfishing of tuna in…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Forests For Climate: “I Told Them, ‘Don’t Fear, Let’s Move’.”

    Kila Oumabe, Beseremen Clan, (pictured at left with hands raised) is a mother of three daughters and three adopted children. She is at the frontline of impacts from Turama Forest Industries’ rainforest logging in Papua New Guinea. Kila has visited the Esperanza in PNG, as a representative of all the women living in the 1.7…

  • Protecting Forests To Save The Climate

    On 3 September, four Greenpeace activists stopped a ship loading piles of logged timber from Papua New Guinea’s Paradise Forests. Their peaceful action was supported by many local people who sang and danced as they watched from boats. The activists, who were harnessed to a loading crane, stayed on the ship for three days. Raoni,…

  • Garnaut's aim is pathetically low

    Professor Ross Garnaut – economist, government adviser, and climate policy reviewer – has today given his pronouncement about the way Australia should tackle climate change. Given that his last report heralded disastrous climate change impacts such as the loss of the Great Barrier Reef and the melting of the polar ice caps if the global…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Candle Event Marks End Of Energy [R]evolution Tour

    On Sunday night Cairns local residents helped to create a 3000 candle art installation in the shape of a wind turbine on Cairns city esplanade. The event marked the end of our highly successful 6-week tour up the eastern seaboard from Sydney to Cairns. It was a beautiful statement of the community’s support for our…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • It's Not Over Yet …

    We’ve made our message loud and clear over the past 6 weeks. The Tour began with the release of our Energy [R]evolution Scenario, which shows how Australia could phase out coal-fired power by 2030 through a combination of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Shortly after we released another report, demonstrating the job opportunities in turning…