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Protesters demand justice for Brazilian mining disaster victims at BHP AGM
Despite forewarning and a global trend of similar catastrophes, BHP and Vale S.A. – two of world’s largest mining companies – didn’t act to prevent disaster. Activists disrupted BHP Billiton’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) to demand justice for the thousands of victims of the mining waste spill that destroyed the historic Brazilian town of Mariana in…
Dam collapse in Brazil destroys towns and turns river into muddy wasteland
On Thursday, November 5th, two dams holding millions of cubic meters of mining waste gave way – launching one of the worst environmental disasters in Brazilian history. |A view of the district of Bento Rodrigues, in Mariana, Minas Gerais state. On November 5th, a dam containing mineral waste from Samarco (a Brazilian mining company controlled…
Hundreds stand up for our right to care about nature
Green groups are under attack. Cheered on by the fossil fuel industry, the Government has launched an inquiry into charities who campaign to protect nature. They’re considering taxing the donations that ordinary Australians give to defend our wilderness. If the government get their way, it’ll cost ordinary people more to support the campaigns they love,…
5 female activists who took saving the environment into their own hands
These incredible female environmental activists did not wait for change to happen – they stood forward, stepped up, and took a leap for the environment. Read these incredible stories of people power and share them with your friends and loved ones! Opening Ceremony of the Climate Summit 2014 Zeina AlHajj It was Zeina AlHajj’s first month on…
Sad, scared, alone. The baby orangutan orphaned by the plantation industry
For half an hour Otan wouldn’t let go. Only eight months old, he already had a vice-like grip, his nails digging so deep they left half-moon imprints in the skin of his carer. If there were trees, Otan would be swinging freely from branch to branch, his strong grip lifting him in high arcs through…
6 times drone footage revealed the environmental destruction we couldn’t see
Even when we’re making dramatic transformations to our world – through deforestation, industrialisation, and fossil fuel extraction and use – it can be hard to see how large the scars we’re creating are. That is, until you zoom out. Even when we’re making dramatic transformations to our world – through deforestation, industrialisation, and fossil fuel…
The man who grew a forest – and you won’t believe how big it is (or who lives there)
This is the story of how one person turned a barren sandbar into a forest larger than Central Park in NYC – and how he did it. This is the story of how one person turned a barren sandbar into a forest larger than Central Park in NYC – and how he did it. Image…
Volkswagen’s CO2 emissions: Das problem
If lying about the nitrogen oxide emissions of 11 million of its cars were not bad enough, German carmaker Volkswagen shocked us again when it revealed it had understated the CO2 emissions of its cars in Europe as well. |Greenpeace activists protest against car emissions at VW factory gate during a VW board meeting in…
I’m Vegan — Here’s Why I’m Fighting to Change the Tuna Industry
Blogpost by Dawn Bickett – October 21, 2015 at 9:24 As a vegan, Dawn Bickett used to feel removed from the issue of sustainable seafood. But after documenting the Pacific tuna industry’s destructive ways with the Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior, she’s determined to do more to protect our oceans and those who rely on them. This…
Statement of Solidarity With Greenpeace Campaign to Reform the Tuna Industry
Whereas, for far too long corporate interests, driven by short-term profits, have worked to divide labor and environmental movements, disingenuously painting our issues as a jobs versus the environment choice;…