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5 things you need to know about Sydney University
There’s something about Australia’s sandstone universities – they’re grand, prestigious, and a little mysterious. But the University of Sydney’s million dollar investment in Whitehaven Coal and their destructive Maules Creek Coal Mine isn’t just mysterious – it’s downright dodgy. Not only is Whitehaven responsible for the largest coal mine under construction in Australia, it is also flattening…
Arrest of forest rights activists symbolic of what’s wrong in India
It was just past midnight when Indian police hauled two Greenpeace India activists out of their sleep and arrested them this week as a crackdown on protests against a planned coal mine in the Mahan forest intensified. The arrests are the latest example of intimidation tactics used in India to quell unrest over the plans by…
Shark Girl: Why the Discovery Channel has got it wrong on sharks
Many people develop relationships with animals. For some, it’s their pet dog or cat, the possum that lives in their backyard tree, or their local birds. The animal I most connect with is the shark. This is a guest blog by activist and shark lover Madi Stewart – also known as Shark Girl. Madi has…
Don’t think sharks are adorable? Watch this.
In Hollywood, sharks are a bit like Christopher Walken – they always get typecast as the bad guy. Our friend Lily Williams doesn’t agree with that – so she’s made her own movie to change the way everyone sees sharks. It’s not your average shark flick – it’s factual, adorable, and narrated by Lily’s 10-year-old…
6 JAWsome shark facts!
Do sharks make you think of the theme music from Jaws and shark nets at the beach? A whale shark photographed from above in Cenderawasih Bay National Park, Indonesia. Do sharks make you think of the theme music from Jaws and shark nets at the beach? It’s Shark Week – the perfect time to bust…
We need to talk about Jaws
I’ve never watched Jaws. Somehow, though, any mention of the movie thrusts an image to the forefront of my mind: a gargantuan beast rising from cerulean depths, mindlessly charging towards vulnerable prey; rows of jagged teeth braced, black irises stoic as it prepares to tear apart human limbs and chew asininely on a once living,…
Activists mark two years of taking FLaC in the Leard
Activists in the Leard Forest in north west NSW are today celebrating two years fighting against the Maules Creek Coal Mine. It was six months ago when it finally dawned on me just how special FLaC (Frontline Action on Coal) Camp is. I was at the Leard in February when the original FLaC Camp was…
Some sticky business going on with LEGO
Yesterday a team of Greenpeace staff and giant LEGO people headed to Sydney’s biggest toy shops to tell LEGO to quit its dirty deal with Shell by plastering ‘save the Arctic’ stickers all over its toy boxes. But before they set off, giant LEGO people worked on their muscles for the mass stickering event.…
The day giant LEGO people took to the streets of Sydney
At 9am on a Friday morning in the Greenpeace Sydney office, our giant LEGO friend, Katy, received a phone call from a supporter informing her that Shell is using it’s partnership with the well-loved LEGO brand to increase fuel sales and divert attention from its Arctic oil drilling. To #BlockShell we’ve got to ‘come together,…
ROAR if you love tigers!
Happy International Tiger Day! We’re always working to protect tiger habitats – but today we’re taking some time to celebrate these majestic animals and all the reasons they’re truly incredible. Tigers are ancient Respect your elders! Tigers have been around for a very long time. Tiger fossils found in China are estimated to be up…