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Kids Care: Art for ‘Cash for Containers’
The quest for a national cash for containers recycling scheme has got under the skin of a couple of Inner West high school students and budding artists from Sydney. Isobel Baker, 14, from Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design created this fantastic CHOKE sculpture. She explains: When planning my major artwork for Year 8…
Kids Care: Save our Sharks
Sharks get a bad rap for being ‘dangerous predators’ that need to be controlled. That might be true in Hollywood, but in the real world humans are way more deadly for sharks. Our friend Kaspar Graham-Koorey (and his father) made this video to tell everyone who the real monster is at sea, and sent it…
3 scientific ways to help prevent shark attacks. No shotgun required.
This image was tweeted by The West Australian on Sunday 26 January 2014. It shows a three metre long, female tiger shark being caught with a hook and killed with a rifle. Reports say her body was then dumped at sea to fall lifelessly to the ocean floor. This image was tweeted by The West…
Blockade Swells To Over 100 At Australia’s Largest New Coal Mine
This morning, the blockade to stop the Maules Creek coal mine and protect Leard State Forest has swelled to over 100 people. We have closed down Whitehaven's access to the site, and construction work inside. People in their 20s, 30s, 50s, 60s and 70s have come from all over Australia to stop Whitehaven Coal’s contractors…
How good design can change the world
If you’re anything like me, you’ll appreciate how long, dense and wordy reports compiled by advocacy organisations aren’t always the easiest way for the average punter to learn about a new topic. But if you’re into infographics, data visualisation, and creative maps as a way to demonstrate the sheer enormity of the issues facing the…
Trees are starting to fall in Leard State Forest
As Whitehaven Coal’s bulldozers begins felling trees adjacent to Leard State Forest, the community has leapt into action in a final bid to protect the ancient woodland. Protesters have launched a blockade at the site of Whitehaven’s controversial Maules Creek coal project in North West NSW, turning back vehicles seeking to clear the forest…