All articles by Greenpeace Australia Pacific
Sunset takes on challenge in the jungle
This October we’re running our first ever Sumatran Jungle Challenge with Inspired Adventures. The 13-day trek of a lifetime gives people the opportunity to match their environmental passion with adventure. We chatted to Sunset Lorentzon, one of our inspiring adventurers, about her motivations for undertaking the upcoming challenge. “I have many passions but…
3 billion reasons to be hopeful
We’re getting into the meaty end of Professor Ross Garnaut’s papers and presentations on carbon pricing. Today he released the seventh of eight papers, after which he will report to Prime Minister Gillard with recommendations about how to structure a carbon price policy. Today’s presentation was all about low-carbon technology innovation: basically, how we should…
Premier of Australia’s largest wheat state bins GM wheat
Press release – 23 March, 2011Premier Colin Barnett has rejected the commercialisation of genetically modified (GM) wheat in WA, Australia’s largest wheat producing state, due to export market rejection.Premier Barnett rejected the use of genetic modification in the WA wheat industry during question time on Tuesday. GM technology is patented almost exclusively to multinational chemical…
Shining a light on the ladies leading change
It’s International Women’s Day today and so from all of us at Greenpeace, a big shout out of acknowledgement goes to the millions of women who are working to make this world a better place for current and future generations. By Claire Parfitt and Julien Vincent Disparities in economic, social and cultural equality are still…
New Truefood Guide responds to consumer concerns
Press release – 2 March, 2011Sydney’s top celebrity chefs, Murray from the Wiggles and concerned farmers will join Greenpeace today to launch the 2011 Truefood Guide Kids edition, helping inform parents what’s in their kids’ lunchbox (1).The Truefood Guide has already caused shock waves in the genetically modified (GM) food industry, with Kellogg’s announcing overnight…
Col and Bill’s most excellent climate adventures
88-year old war veteran, Bill Ryan, and his son, Colin, 62, are committed climate activists. Although they’d prefer a peaceful retirement at home in Sutherland, they say the call for change is too strong. Between their busy schedule of community meetings and court preparations for taking direct action, we found a quiet moment for tea…
Western Australia sets the tone for Victoria
You know how sometimes you can be surprised by your own surprise of something? I saw last week that the Western Australian Environment Protection Authority has rejected a coal mine for a power station proposed for about 300 km north of Perth. The decision took me by surprise mainly because although the state-based EPAs have…
New ANU Report: Government emissions scam exposed
Press release – 17 February, 2011Greenpeace is calling for a dramatic increase in emissions reductions targets following revelations in a new Australian National University (ANU) report that a 5% target is rendered meaningless by sub prime offsets from the land use and forestry sector (known as LULUCF).To meet its 5% target, Australia has to reduce…
Fossil fuel subsidies: a waste of taxpayer’s money
Is the Australian Government subsidising the fossil fuel industry? That’s the question posed in a recent ABC Unleashed article from the Institute of Public Affairs. At a time when Australians are rightly concerned about rising energy costs as well as the need to shift to an economy powered by clean energy, where our taxes get…
The last chapter in Japan’s whaling program
Post by Junichi Sato, Executive and Programme Director Greenpeace, Japan On December 22, 2010 the Fisheries Agency of Japan (FAJ) acknowledged and publicly apologised for embezzlement within the whaling industry. An official from the powerful agency gave a 90 degree bow of apology on national television (seen here on ABC Australia’s report and explained that…