All articles by Greenpeace Australia Pacific
Meet Our New CEO, Dr Linda Selvey
We recently welcomed Dr Linda Selvey into the fold here at Greenpeace as our new CEO. Linda comes to Greenpeace Australia Pacific after a long career as a medical doctor, cancer researcher and public health advocate. For more than 12 years, she held senior management positions in Queensland Health, including Executive Director, Population Health Queensland.…
CPRS Gets Worse As Polluters Trample Democracy
It is difficult to imagine the Government’s Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) getting much worse than it already was. It is an appalling piece of legislation that, if passed, will allow the ongoing expansion of Australia’s most polluting industries whilst giving the illusion that the Government is taking action on climate change. It passed through…
Camp At Climate Change’s "Ground Zero"
An international team of Greenpeace activists have set up the ‘Climate Defenders’ Camp’ on the Indonesian island of Sumatra where deforestation is causing climate disaster. Rainforest and peatland destruction in Indonesia emits huge quantities of CO2 and has driven it to become the world’s third largest climate polluter. The peatland in this area alone stores…
Barcelona climate talks hot up
The global climate talks are hotting up. This week, negotiators are meeting in Barcelona for the last week of discussions before the Copenhagen meeting in December. There is a lot at stake. Arguably it is the future of the planet. Some countries are literally fighting for their survival while other countries are fighting to defend…
The Human Voice Of Climate Change
TckTckTck is an unprecedented global alliance, representing hundreds of millions of people from all walks of life. It is made up of leading international, national and local organizations such as Greenpeace. Watch this inspiring video from the alliance, conveying the human voice of climate change impacts.
Walk Against Warming With Us
Walk Against Warming (WAW) is coming up on December 12. A fun family day with a serious message, this year’s march on climate change comes at a crucial time. It will coincide with the middle of climate treaty negotiations in Copenhagen and an International Day of Action that will see people across the world take…
Join The Rally Against NSW Coal Expansion
Get ready for it: the New South Wales (NSW) Government is set to massively expand the state’s coal power industry. In fact, it’s proposing the biggest expansion for 30 years. Not only is it planning to refurbish and expand two existing polluting dinosaurs (Munmorah and Eraring pwer stations in the Hunter region), it is going…
If You Paid $5000 For Premier Brumby's Time, What Would You Say?
Today we saw the appalling revelation in the Age newspaper that Exergen (the company that wants to start up a brown coal export industry in Victoria while the world tries to forge an international agreement to cut greenhouse pollution) paid for Premier John Brumby’s time just before a crucial cabinet meeting was held to decide…
How Independent Is The Japanese Judiciary?
Greenpeace activists Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki, better known as the Tokyo Two, are on trial for intercepting a box of whale meat as part of an investigation into an embezzlement ring within Japan’s taxpayer-funded ‘research’ whaling programme. The Japanese government subsidises the loss-making whaling programme to the tune of US$5 million a year, making…
Our Hope Is Our Community
We received another reminder today of the passion, enthusiasm and spirit that we will all need to overcome political barriers to change, as separate community demonstrations in Victoria and Queensland protested the madness and immorality that is export coal. In Melbourne, several hundred people put off their lunch break to converge at Victorian Parliament House,…