All articles by Greenpeace Australia Pacific
Who Will Win The Greenpeace Design Awards?
Tonight, the winner of the inaugural Greenpeace Design Awards will be announced at a presentation ceremony in Adelaide. We had an overwhelming response to our call for poster designs that deliver the message ‘Be a Part of the Action’ – 1500 creatives from 77 different countries. Judges shortlisted 29 finalists, which will be exhibited at…
Voices From The Frontline
Our first “Voices from the Frontline” presentation in Sydney last Thursday was a success. People came from all over to hear two visiting community leaders from the Pacific share their experiences of climate change impacts in their region. But, don’t take my word for it. Sam Molko, our campaigner in Papua New Guinea, was also…
Espy Log, Week 5: Vanuatu
The Esperanza is winding up its tour of the Pacific after visiting its last destination – Vanuatu. The last Greenpeace ship to visit the country was the first Rainbow Warrior in the mid-80s. Here’s an update from Emily, aboard the Esperanza. The Pacific Voices ship tour is nearly over – we have finished our last…
Rio Tinto – Do They See The Writing On The Wall?
The fact that multinational miner Rio Tinto is lobbying the federal government (as reported in the Australia, on July 27th, 2009) is striking and curious for a number of reasons. Firstly, as Australia’s number one uranium miner, it should be no surprise that Rio are looking to develop market share in the nuclear energy production…
Videos: Australian Polar Explorer In The Arctic
Meet Australian polar explorer and guide Eric Philips. He’s in the Arctic with the Greenpeace team that’s documenting climate change impacts in the region. Eric is there to give safety guidance to the team in this beautiful, yet hazardous, natural environment. In these two stunning, short videos, Eric talks about some of the dangers involved…
Video: The Ticking Clock In The Arctic
Packed to the brim with scientists, explorers and high-tech gismos, Greenpeace’s ship the Arctic Sunrise has embarked on a three-month mission to chart the impacts of climate change in the Arctic. So far the signs have been worrying. “The veneer of fractured ice over the Arctic Ocean is changing, disintegrating before my eyes,” explains Australian…
Introducing Our Speakers From The Pacific
Three Pacific Islander community leaders will be speaking in Sydney (23 July), Brisbane (28 July), Melbourne (30 July) and Cairns (2 August) in the coming weeks. It’s part of “Voices from the Frontline: Taking Action on Climate Change in the Pacific”, co-hosted by Greenpeace. Here’s an introduction to the speakers. Pelenise Alofa Pilitati, Kiribati Pelenise…
Espy Log, Week 4: Samoa
We’ve just had another update from Greenpeace ship, the Esperanza. The ship is currently touring the Pacific to document efforts in Pacific Island nations to adapt to climate change impacts. This update is from Emily. We’ve been and gone from Samoa, and are now making our way slowly west across the north of Fiji towards…
Something Smells Foul In Japan’s Criminal Justice System
This post is just in from Junichi Sato. Junichi is one of the two Greenpeace activists known as the “Tokyo Two” that were arrested when they presented evidence of corruption in Japan’s whaling industry to Japanese authorities. While Japan’s Criminal Justice System may look OK from a distance once you get close enough to smell…
Meet Chino, Deckhand Aboard The Esperanza
Chino Uelese is currently aboard Greenpeace ship, the Esperanza, as a deckhand. Kia orana/ Talofa lava, As well as being a deckhand on the Esperanza, my ancestral roots and language have given me a unique role on this ship tour. My mum is part Samoan/ Fijian and my dad originates from Samoa and the Cook…