All articles by Greenpeace Australia Pacific
AGL “doesn’t even get a golf clap” for tardy coal closure announcement
AGL, Australia’s biggest climate polluter, has made what Greenpeace Australia Pacific describes as a “token effort” in announcing it will delay the closure of its notorious Loy Yang A coal-burning power station to 2045 and Bayswater power station to 2033, far beyond the coal closure timeline needed to ensure a safer climate.Glenn Walker, senior campaigner…
Green Electricity Guide reveals Australia’s greenest to dirtiest electricity providers
SYDNEY, Feb 8 2022 – The latest Green Electricity Guide, from Greenpeace Australia Pacific, has revealed the greenest electricity providers in Australia, with Enova Energy and Diamond Energy coming out on top and AGL, Australia’s biggest electricity provider, having its shocking climate record exposed at the bottom of the rankings. Report headlines Greenpeace’s latest edition of…
As Western Australia sweats, Woodside rushes on Scarborough
It’s been a busy January for Woodside, the company behind what would be Australia’s largest-ever fossil fuel project Woodside’s gas pipelines in the Burrup hub region. Woodside Petroleum is planning to drill for gas in what would be the most climate polluting project Australia has ever had. Temperatures in the Pilbara, in the north of…
REPORT: Hero to Zero, uncovering the truth of corporate Australia’s climate action claims
The world is experiencing an unprecedented climate crisis. To stabilise global temperatures, and prevent the situation getting even worse, emissions must reach net zero as soon as possible.
Renewable energy hits new highs as fossil fuel giants too slow to act
SYDNEY, Jan 28 2021: New data from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) revealing surging renewable energy shows that Australia’s coal-burning energy companies, including Australia’s biggest climate polluter AGL, must accelerate closures of coal-fired power stations says Greenpeace Australia Pacific.The new report from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), released today, shows renewable energy accounted…
Woodside closes hasty investment deal for Scarborough mega gas mine – while still struggling for customers
Jan 19 2022 – Woodside’s scramble to sell 49 per cent stake in the Pluto LNG Train 2 processing facility to Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) is a grossly untenable investment as the energy provider struggles to secure further customer offtake for the project, says Greenpeace Australia Pacific.Processing toxic gas from the Scarborough deep sea gas-drilling…
Australia’s hottest temperature this century ‘sounding alarm’ for action on emissions reduction
BRISBANE, Jan 14 2022 – As the remote West Australian town of Onslow registers 50.7C (123.3F) – the hottest temperature recorded in Australia this century – Greenpeace Australia Pacific has warned against ignoring the significance of these concerning figures.“These record-breaking temperatures are sounding the alarm and should be taken very seriously,” said Kate Smolski, Program…