All articles by Greenpeace Australia Pacific
Greenpeace delivers 30-metre climate emergency message to PM during Binna Burra visit
SYDNEY, 13 Sept 2019 – Greenpeace activists have deployed a 30-metre ‘climate emergency’ banner at the site of the iconic former Binna Burra Lodge, as Prime Minister Scott Morrison arrived to survey the damage caused by bushfires this week.Tony and Lisa Groom, son and granddaughter of the founder of the destroyed heritage-listed building are onsite…
Call it what it is: climate emergency motion to be pushed in Parliament
SYDNEY, 11 Sept 2019. Former Liberal Party leader John Hewson will join members of the Federal crossbench and call on the Australian Parliament to declare a climate emergency, in a motion to be released today.If successful, Australia will join over 990 jurisdictions in 18 countries representing 212 million citizens who have formally acknowledged the climate…
Week of action calls Taylor out on climate inaction
Have you heard of Angus Taylor? If not, let us share a quick overview of his CV… |||| Australia’s Minister for Energy and Emissions Reductions has a track record that makes a mockery of his job title: On his watch, Australia’s greenhouse gas pollution levels have gone up as we slide ever further from our Paris targets. [1]…
This is the last thing I imagined myself doing
This is honestly the last thing I ever imagined myself doing. I’ve always taken politics seriously, I’ve always carefully considered my vote, but I have never been politically active. But things have never been this desperate. And there’s only one antidote to despair. Action. | The powerlessness of individuals against the insatiable beast of global…
We were stranded for a week. Then something beautiful happened.
In 2015 I experienced extreme weather first-hand while living in Gillieston Heights, Maitland. With a two-month-old, and two other children, our suburb was turned into a virtual island following days of torrential rain. |||| *This is a guest blog by Port Stephens resident and Break Free group member Alisha Onslow* Our suburb was nicknamed “Gillo…
Amazon fires: a vicious and preventable cycle
The Amazon is burning as the world looks on in horror. But who and what is really to blame? ||| The world stopped this week to follow the news about the burning of the Amazon. Smoke traveled to the great cities of the Amazon, but also far away from it, in the state of Sao Paulo…
“I knew I wasn’t alone.” – Simone’s Break Free story
This blog is written by local Break Free group member Simone Cooper The Central Coast Council will vote on whether to declare a climate emergency; a powerful first step to building a sustainable Central Coast. || If enough of us make ourselves heard, we can ensure that when the vote comes, the councillors know exactly…
Something stopped me in my tracks
This is a guest blog written by WA Break Free group member Madu Venkatesan At the end of last year something happened that stopped me in my tracks. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report was released, and its message was stark: we had less than twelve years to drastically reduce our greenhouse…
Explained: Energy market operator calls for urgent investment in dispatchable power
This morning AEMO published its annual Electricity Statement of Opportunities, which predicts risks to the grid, potential power shortfalls and investment opportunities over the next ten years
More clean energy needed as ageing and unreliable coal-burning power stations failing more often
SYDNEY, Aug 22, 2019 – Continued Federal Government failure to plan is putting Australian energy at risk, with aging coal plants increasingly failing.This morning AEMO published its annual Electricity Statement of Opportunities, which predicts risks to the grid, potential power shortfalls and investment opportunities over the next ten years. “The threats AEMO has identified are…