All articles by Joe Rafalowicz
The Dutton Coalition Just Announced a Massive Expansion of Offshore Gas Drilling
If elected, the Dutton Coalition has pledged to “approve a bucket load of gas,” drastically expanding the gas industry off Australia’s coasts. This policy threatens our marine ecosystems, coastal communities, and the climate.
The Truth About Australia’s Gas “Shortage”: What You Need to Know
Australia's alleged "gas shortage" is largely a myth perpetuated by the gas industry. The country produces more than enough gas for domestic needs, but most is exported. New gas projects like Woodside's Burrup Hub are primarily for export, not domestic use. Gas usage in Australia's energy mix is actually declining, with only 4% of east…
An update on our campaign against Woodside
Woodside’s Burrup Hub an irredeemable threat to WA’s oceans and marine life. It’s also the biggest fossil fuel threat in Australia and the fifth most polluting gas project in the…
WA EPA says Woodside’s Browse Project Too Dangerous to Proceed
Greenpeace Australia Pacific has welcomed explosive revelations that the Western Australia Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has essentially written off the company’s Browse project as too dangerous to proceed.
Fuel Efficiency ‘Modelling’ From The Petrol Car Lobby Is “Bullshit”: Greenpeace AP
The Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) has today released its own modelling that suggests the cost of limits on car pollution could be as high as $38 billion over the first five years. Here’s why that’s bullshit. Comments attributable to Greenpeace Australia Pacific campaigner Joe Rafalowicz: “The new Vehicle Emissions Standards are like setting…
New Vehicle Efficiency Standards Welcome, Now Floor It To The Finish Line
Greenpeace Australia Pacific has welcomed today’s historic proposal for a New Vehicle Efficiency Standard, and has put the petrol car lobbyists on notice that Australians won't let them put sugar in the tank. “Today’s announcement is a victory for the thousands of Australians who made submissions to the Government asking for meaningful action to reduce…
“A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Legislation”: Transport Minister Must Act On Fuel Efficiency Standard
With a Federal Parliamentary inquiry now established to examine the impact and opportunities of electric vehicles in Australia, Greenpeace Australia Pacific has again today urged the Federal Government to introduce long-overdue legislation to enact a strong Fuel Efficiency Standard. In welcoming the establishment of the Parliamentary Inquiry, Greenpeace Australia Pacific campaigner Joe Rafalowicz emphasised that…
WARNING: Petrol Car Lobbyists at work
Electrify takes the fight to Parliament to stop petrol pushers blocking action on transport emissions.