Did you hear the news? The NSW Labor and Liberal Party have both announced new policies backing rooftop solar, hot on the heels of our cheeky stunt at NSW Parliament late last week, where we crashed NSW Labor’s big election fundraiser dinner to get our message across.

These policy announcements are a step in the right direction. The fact that the major parties are competing on positive clean energy policy is cause for optimism.
But while Labor leader Michael Daley’s policy is a strong start, with promises to subsidise solar panels on 500,000 middle-income homes, [1] Gladys Berejiklian’s Liberals need to do much more.
The Liberals’ scheme would offer interest-free loans to 300,000 homes to install rooftop solar and battery storage. [2] After 8 years of climate inaction from the NSW Liberals, this policy is too little, too late.
Labor’s policy goes further, offering grants rather than loans to a greater number of households. But there is still room for improvement, such as the need to include renters in their plans.
We need bigger and bolder policy if we’re to tackle our climate emergency, reduce emissions and switch to renewables. We need to keep pushing.
Call on NSW leaders to step up on climate action.
As our state heads to the polls, it’s crucial that our politicians know voters are watching their every move when it comes to climate policy.
Our leaders need to know that while this is a start, they need to step it up to tackle Australia’s climate emergency.
Call on NSW leaders to step up on climate action.
And late last week, we dropped in on NSW Labor’s big election fundraiser at Parliament to make sure they don’t forget about tackling our country’s ongoing climate emergency:
Our digital billboard and banner outside the front of the Parliament of NSW
Want to see exactly how we crashed the special NSW Labor dinner? Check out this exclusive new video:
Sadly we didn’t have an invite to the big bash, so we found another way to get the message across. As Labor leader Michael Daley addressed his party and its donors in this room right here, we reckon our call for urgent climate action would have been pretty hard to miss:
Our cheeky reminder to NSW Labor
Add to that the thousands of people who’ve signed our petition calling on NSW leaders to back our climate plan, and a steady drumbeat of media coverage and polling showing that a majority of Australians want renewables and climate action [3] and are ready to vote for them. [4] Our message is getting through, but now is not the time to let up. Call on NSW leaders to step up on climate action.
Our state, and the whole of Australia, is suffering right now – and it’s the result of years of climate inaction by our leaders. Everywhere we look we see people confronting the realities of life on the frontlines of a changed climate.
Rivers of dead fish. Heatwave after heatwave, hitting ever-giddier heights. Bushfires raging out of control. Record-breaking floods. People losing their homes, their livelihoods and their lives. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
With pressure from our movement and strong leadership from the decision makers in power, we can make sure we secure a route to a cleaner future. Call on NSW leaders to step up on climate action.
The Labor Party and the Liberals need to announce a credible plan to tackle the climate crisis. Last year, the Federal Coalition bit the dust over climate and energy policy, followed by the seismic pro-climate result in Wentworth and a win for renewable energy in the Victorian election. Climate policy is deciding the big votes like never before.
Call on NSW leaders to step up on climate action.
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[2] https://www.solarquotes.com.
[3] https://www.greenpeace.org.au/
[4] https://www.greenpeace.org.au/