Hear from our volunteers about their experience helping out in Albany

The Rainbow Warrior is in Western Australia to expose and document the threats from gas drilling in an ocean biodiversity hotspot by fossil fuel giant Woodside Energy.|The Rainbow Warrior’s first day in Australia for the #WhalesNotWoodside Ship Tour.|Greenpeace Australia Pacific hosts open boat events in Albany to invite supporters to tour the iconic ship.
Some of you may know that Greenpeace’s first campaign in Australia was in WA. Specifically, in the town of Albany where activists led by Bob Hunter started a local movement that eventually drew national and global attention – resulting in the closure of the last whaling station in the English-speaking world.
In recognition of how far we’ve come, Greenpeace held a “legacy event” in Albany on the 22nd of April this year. In a press conference on the pier where the Rainbow Warrior was docked, Captain Hettie Geenen, Greenpeace Australia Pacific CEO David Ritter, and journalist and author Chris Pash all spoke to the importance of Greenpeace’s legacy in Albany and the enduring need to protect ocean wildlife. A sailor’s choir sang sea shanties for us off the bow of the Warrior, and ex-whalers showed up to share their stories of remorse as well as hope for the future.
The next day we invited supporters to come aboard for a tour of the legendary ship. Fellow Green Guardians Richard and Elaine volunteered for the day to help the event run smoothly. The following words showcase the wonder of this event through their eyes:
“As long-term financial supporters of Greenpeace, we were gobsmacked when Alexis contacted us to help organise the open boats of the Rainbow Warrior in Albany, WA. We both signed up to show visitors around the ship and meet and greet everyone.
To get us prepared for the Open Day, we got the opportunity to tour the Warrior, meet the captain and crew, and enjoy some pizza – a real privilege we acknowledged with a gift of Denmark Shiraz!
Numbers of small boats made excursions across Princess Royal Harbour to get close to the Rainbow Warrior and take pictures – her green hull and white peace dove could be seen for miles in the good weather. Open Day began with queues of excited children and parents eager to get onboard and see the helipad.
It was such a pleasure to be amongst fellow supporters and to listen to crew members from so many different parts of the world talk about their experiences – from getting seasick to launching the inflatables. A campaign day to remember for us and all our visitors.”

Richard and Elaine on holiday in the Pilbara