The Amazon

Palm Oil
Protecting Our Forests
Our world is in crisis. Our forests are disappearing and natural habitats are being destroyed.

Is killed every second by deforestation
Is the time it takes for a forest the size of the MCG to be cleared
Hectares of forest lost to deforestation annually in Australia

The problem
Imagine two huge bulldozers rumbling brutally through a forest snapping trees like matchsticks. Imagine wildlife desperately fleeing the scene, being killed, maimed or dying slowly of starvation. Imagine the trees pushed into piles and set on fire to complete the annihilation of the forest.
Now imagine this horrible deforestation happening every 2 minutes to an area of forest and bushland the size of the MCG. This is the scale of the deforestation crisis underway in Australia.
What we do
Greenpeace has for decades been a global leader and voice for action to curb deforestation. Locally, Greenpeace Australia Pacific is focused on shifting Australia’s biggest corporations to go deforestation-free and removing the economic incentives for this environmental destruction.

You can help bring an end to the destruction of our forests
Your ongoing support is the most effective way to contribute by helping us with long term campaign strategies.
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Together we are part of a growing, global movement determined to bring about the changes our planet desperately needs. Sign up to receive updates on our campaigns.