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NSW Premier Baird should sidestep lobbyists and commit to Cash for Containers
Press release – 28 April, 2014In advance of a meeting today of all Environment Ministers set to consider a 10 cent cash for containers scheme, a coalition of 28 environment groups, including Clean Up Australia and Greenpeace, are calling on the NSW Premier Mike Baird and his new Environment Minister Mr Rob Stokes to ignore…
More cans than cigarette butts in clean-up campaign
Why is it every time I try to pay a visit to the managing director of Coca Cola I’m met by police? It started when a small group of us delivered bags of empty bottles and cans to then managing director Terry Davis at his office. It continued when I attempted, with a couple…
Consumer power! Procter & Gamble decides to wash its bad palm oil away
About 400,000 emails to Procter & Gamble CEO. Thousands of phone calls to P&G offices around the world. Dozens of protests throughout the planet. 7300 Sumatran orangutans at risk of being made homeless. As few as 400 tigers at risk of being made homeless. 620,000 hectares of forest potentially destroyed every year. These numbers summarize…
Cash for Containers: it makes cents
It’s not often you get a chance to talk directly to your State Premier about something you’re passionate about. But as chance would have it, on Monday night I was able to represent my local area and attend the NSW Community Cabinet Meeting as an advocate for a container deposit scheme. South-West Sydney may not seem…
Winning! Colgate To End Its Role In Forest Destruction
Nearly 400,000 of you have written to P&G’s CEO. Dozens of protests have taken place in cities as diverse as Jakarta, Cincinnati and London. And thousands have taken to Facebook, Twitter and even their phones to tell P&G to clean up their act...
4 Reasons We All Should #StandForForests
We cannot sustain life without healthy, thriving forests. That is why Greenpeace campaigns for their protection and on this International Day of Forests, we want to share with you a few reasons why you should help.