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Another day, another whinge from big coal
Another day, another rent-seeking whinge from the richest companies in the country. Yesterday the Australian Coal Association (ACA) released more ‘independent economic analysis’ that said just how hard done by they would be under a carbon tax. It was a pre-emptive strike before the much awaited Productivity Commission report, due today, that analyses the effective…
World’s Most Famous Toy Embroiled in Tiger Outrage
Press release – 7 June, 20118 June 2011: Barbie, the most famous toy in the world, is involved in rainforest destruction, a Greenpeace International investigation can today reveal. Packaging for the doll is produced using timber from the rainforests of Indonesia, home to critically endangered species such as the Sumatran tiger.Tests proved Barbie’s packaging here…
Who remembers their new year’s resolution?
Lauren is one of 19 people heading to Sumatra on the Greenpeace Jungle Challenge this October. Taking the challenge was all part of her New Year’s Resolution to get off her butt and help save one of the world’s most incredible forests. She explains her motivation, and invites us all to her fundraising ‘Jungle Party’…
Activists stop BHP Billiton coal train
Press release – 7 June, 2011Time for BHP Billiton to stand and deliver its tax debtMt Arthur, Hunter Valley, NSW, Wednesday 8th June 2011 This morning at 11.25am, Greenpeace activists locked a steel box on the rail track servicing Mt Arthur coal mine, BHP Billiton’s largest mine in the Hunter Valley, NSW. Once the box…
Arctic Pod removed from Leiv Eiriksson oil rig
Last night our two activists were removed from the survival pod that had been suspended from the Leiv Eiriksson oil rig for four days. They were arrested just before midnight last night, local time, and taken to the Greenland capital of Nuuk. The Greenpeace ship Esperanza remains just outside the 500m exclusion zone, imposed by…
Greenpeace stops deep water drilling in Arctic
The Australian captain of the Greenpeace ship Esperanza – Madeleine Habib – sent us this blog from the freezing waters of the Arctic where activists are taking action right now, preventing deep water drilling from the world’s most controversial oil rig – the 53,000 tonne Leiv Eiriksson – operated by the Cairn Energy. We’ve got…
Pip on P.O.P (price on pollution)
My name’s Patricia Penn (or Pip, if you like) and I’ve been a Greenpeace volunteer for about 5 years. Perhaps you’ve seen the current “Australia Says Yes” TV commercials calling for urgent support of a carbon tax. I’m the ‘grannie’ retiree in that! I’m in my eighties now and an ex-freelance radio journalist. Now I…
Which bin do I put my coffee cup in?
In the Greenpeace office this week we’ve been arguing over which recycling bin to toss our coffee cups into. While most people take their own mug to the cafe, there are a few people that forget, causing much consternation to the office zealots who find the cups strewn between the plastics, paper, and compost bin.…
New coal power plant approved in Victoria
Friday afternoon syndrome* has been at full strength at Greenpeace over recent weeks. It has become the time of the week where all planned work should be just set aside so we can react to whatever appalling or bizarre decision is announced, usually by a government body. Last Friday it was the Victorian EPA keeping…
Friday the 13th a horror day for solar
It’s Friday the 13th and the New South Wales Government has just managed to come out with an announcement that perfectly captures the date’s reputation for doom and misfortune. Today, the newly elected O’Farrell Government announced that it was immediately ending the main policy that had supported the solar panel industry for the past two…