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  • 80,000 Australians Walk Against Warming

    It was the most important Walk Against Warming yet — smack bang in the middle of the UN climate summit in Copenhagen. There was an amazing turnout in Australia’s capital cities, as well as some of the country’s regional and coastal centres like Bendigo and, of course, coal central, Newcastle. Sydney was reported to have…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Copenhagen Photo Exhibition Shows Extent Of Impacts

    Slightly removed from the organised chaos of the Bella Centre (the chief venue for the Copenhagen summit), the Climate Rescue Station is proving to be an oasis of calm and tranquility, a place of relaxation and reflection. A perfect locale to host a new photographic exhibition to illustrate the impacts of climate change around the…

  • Rapid Response: Your First Mission

    I just got off the phone from Copenhagen. Our team on the ground have asked for some help from Greenpeace supporters back home, so please read on. Deep inside the Copenhagen conference centre, there’s a closed room of huddled negotiators from a handful of countries, one of which is Australia. They’re cooking up a plan…

  • Climate Activists Make Historical Point In Rome

    History is full of pivotal moments that transform society and pave the way for the future – the Treaty of Versailles, declarations of independence, Martin Luther King Jnr’s speech in Washington. Climate change is the issue defining our age. If global leaders take action, then the Copenhagen summit can be our historical moment. It’s not…

  • 10 Million Reasons For Action In Copenhagen

    Day one of the Copenhagen summit saw 15 young climate activists take the voices of 10 million people right to the heart of the summit – a United Nations press conference. The negotiations are just one part of the summit. Copenhagen’s streets and the summit’s corridors are filled with everyday people like you and I…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Is There Hope For Copenhagen?

    Politics could be a threat or saviour at Copenhagen. What we need is the political will for change. What we don’t need is political posturing. So, how are things shaping up for some of the big players at the summit? Until recently, many people were expecting China and India to be big blockers. But in…

  • Key Issues At Stake In Copenhagen

    After two years of negotiations, Copenhagen has finally arrived. The world’s eyes are now firmly fixed on the Danish capital to see if world leaders can seize the moment and deliver a strong binding climate treaty. The stakes are high and politics are intense. The pesimissm of the last few months is gradually being swept…

  • What Are You Doing This Weekend?

    Walk with Greenpeace for the most important Walk Against Warming ever! It’s on this Saturday (12 December) and there are walks all across Australia. All essential details are available here. And the timing couldn’t be more critical, with negotiations underway at the Copenhagen climate summit and a federal Opposition leader that outwardly denies climate change…

  • Rudd Apologises To Future Generations

    Well, not quite. But a billboard at Copenhagen’s airport predicts that Rudd may well be apologising to future generations in 2020 if he does a deal that fails to address climate change. It was one of a number of billboards at the airport that call on world leaders to make a real and effective deal…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Meet Our New CEO, Dr Linda Selvey

    We recently welcomed Dr Linda Selvey into the fold here at Greenpeace as our new CEO. Linda comes to Greenpeace Australia Pacific after a long career as a medical doctor, cancer researcher and public health advocate. For more than 12 years, she held senior management positions in Queensland Health, including Executive Director, Population Health Queensland.…