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All we’re fighting for is Australia’s future!
The headlines that made a splash yesterday when we launched our Energy [R]evolution Scenario: Australia report said that Greenpeace “declares war on coal”. It got me pondering this phrase, which naturally people would like to pin on Greenpeace. It allows what we’re saying to be discounted. No threat to powerful business interests: the greenies are…
Renewable Solutions Sidelined Whilst Dirty Coal Is Bankrolled In Budget
From Canberra, Greenpeace head of campaigns Stephen Campbell sends this statement: “We are in the midst of an extreme climate crisis and the Rudd Government’s first budget was an opportunity to show voters that they truly means business on climate change. “Instead they have let Australia down by not delivering the climate solutions that are…
The day we told the treasurer to stop fueling climate change
We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful, crisp Canberra morning to deliver the “Stop Fueling Climate Change” petition. Seven of us, all rugged up, constructed a wonderful wind-turbine on the steps of treasury which we then proceeded to stuff full of postcards signed by people from all over Australia. Over thirty thousand people have…
Clean Energy Locked Out Of 2020 Summit
So the political Oscars that was the 2020 summit has come to an end. The issue I had my eye on over the weekend was one close to our hearts here at Greenpeace – climate change. And funnily enough, every time I tuned into the radio over the weekend, all I kept hearing about climate…
The Clean Coal Myth Gets A Helping Hand
In case it has slipped anyone’s minds, let me recap why the environment movement campaigns on climate change. We have a few years left to get emissions falling dramatically and in Australia, we need to be looking at at least 40% reductions below 1990 levels by the year 2020. This is if we want to…
Greenpeace balloon message: No Future in Coal
This morning, the Greenpeace hot-air balloon paid a visit to a major source of Australia’s greenhouse pollution, flying over some of the Hunter Valley’s biggest coal-fired power stations. We came here to deliver a vital message to the government: there is no future in coal. It was a bleary-eyed start to the morning, as we…
1am 4th April&negotiations deadlocked
It is 1am of Friday 4th April here at the UNESCAP Centre here in Bangkok. A team of NGO lobbyists just saw the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperation (govt delegates) walk out of the room. It had been a Greenpeace tag team effort since 5pm waiting for the outcomes of negotiations and…
Bangkok talks go into early Sat morning
It’s 12:31am of Saturday 5 April 2008. The Bangkok climate change talks were to have ended yesterday. This was to be a first meeting after Bali to discuss the work plan for the next 2 yrs which will deliver a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol by Copenhagen in 2009. The plenary has just…
Bangkok Climate Talks
This is the 1st meeting since the Bali talks last Dec. The parties are starting to thrash out the framework and workplan to deliver a 2nd comitment period under the Kyoto Protocol by 2009. There are about 1,000 or so delegates present here in Bangkok, a much smaller number than there was in Bali. Despite…
Australia fails to live up to climate challenge in Bangkok
Day three of the Bangkok climate talks saw the Australian delegate turn her back on binding commitments and reaffirm the rhetoric of the Howard era by announcing Australia’s support for the USA’s goal of ‘aspiration emission targets’. The Bangkok meetings are the first climate change negotiations since the landmark talks in Bali last December where…