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The trash vortex
You could save a turtle’s life by using less plastic and making sure your garbage is properly managed. In the North Pacific is an area the size of Turkey of floating plastic rubbish. It is rubbish from the land that is polluting our oceans, choking and trapping millions of fish and animals. We can keep…
Report: Unilever’s complicity in the plastics crisis
In this report, Greenpeace International investigates the reality behind these soundbites. We expose the blight of Unilever’s single-use sachets on low-income communities and the glaring gap that exists between what the company says it will do, and what it actually does.
We demand that governments commit to a strong Global Plastics Treaty
We demand that governments commit to a strong Global Plastics Treaty that will stop runaway plastic production and use and ultimately end the age of plastic.
Why is it important to recycle plastic?
Why is it important to recycle plastic? Get your head around this: nearly every piece of plastic ever made still exists today. And it’s probably all in there. Ugh. It’s pretty easy to hate on plastics. According to Clean Up Australia, these resource-hungry polymers: Require fossil fuels in their production, and emit gases like methane…
How can I reduce single-use plastic?
There is a lot we can do on our own, but we need to work together if we want to make substantial change.
Here’s how you can hold plastic polluters accountable beyond Plastic Free July
Reducing plastic waste in our everyday lives is important, but it’s time to stop single use plastic production at its source.
How much trash do you produce in a week?
If you could see all the waste you produce, would it change the way you consume? This photographer is hoping so. Australians produce a lot of waste. According to Clean Up Australia, the amount of waste that hits landfill in Australia every year is enough to cover the entire state of Victoria. The average Australian…
The scary things I’ve found as a turtle researcher – Dr Qamar Schuyler
I’ve spent a significant portion of the last 6 years forcing turtle poop through a sieve. Seriously. As a sea turtle researcher focused on understanding the what, why, and where of turtles eating harmful plastics, I’ve had to cut open hundreds of sea turtles stranded dead on beaches in Moreton Bay and the Queensland coast…