Fundraise for us
There are many ways you can fundraise to help support Greenpeace

It’s full of tips and tricks for community fundraising as well as an A-Z of easy fundraising ideas.
Community Fundraising Ideas
Whether it’s planning a cake stall at your school, competing in a fun run or taking part in one of our challenge events. Fundraising is a great way to have lots of fun, reach out to the community and spread a positive message about our environment.
Offline Fundraising events
If you wish to complete fundraising activities offline, you can by completing the Application Form below.
Please ensure your event or activity complies with the terms and conditions of fundraising for Greenpeace before you get started.
Your application will be assessed, and once approved you will be contacted by Greenpeace Australia Pacific’s Marketing department and issued an Authority to Fundraise letter for Greenpeace.

Please read the terms and conditions carefully
These terms and conditions provide the basis for conducting a fundraising activity on behalf of Greenpeace. If you have any queries, please call 1800 815 151 or email:
Good luck!
If accepted, by signing and returning the Fundraising Application Forms, these conditions will form the basis of any dealings between Greenpeace and the Fundraiser in relation to fundraising activities.
To fundraise for Greenpeace you must complete a Fundraiser Application Form and return it to Greenpeace for approval. Please provide a clear written description of the proposed activity, its duration and the individuals or group organising it
Fundraising activity is only authorised to commence when Greenpeace has approved your application. Once approved you will be provided with an authority to fundraise letter.
Any materials or products that require the Greenpeace logo must be submitted for approval well in advance of the date for commencement of the activity. Permission for logo use will attract conditions, particularly if the logo is to be used to promote the activities of another organisation (even if it is not-for-profit).
All media material (including interviews) and press releases must be approved by Greenpeace prior to circulation. Please send to:
All publicity material should clearly state where money raised will go eg: ‘All proceeds will go to Greenpeace Australia Pacific or X percentage of proceeds will go to Greenpeace Australia Pacific.’
• All fundraising monies should be sent to Greenpeace in the form of a cheque, money order or deposited into the Greenpeace Trust Account.
• All money raised must be returned to Greenpeace within 14 days, and all fundraising must cease immediately.
• You are not able to conduct any events that involve: telemarketing, door knocking or open bucket collections; violent or dangerous activities; the use of animals or animal rides; the sale or promotion of tobacco products or illegal drugs.
• Greenpeace relies solely on donations from individuals and does not accept any corporation or government donations. This policy ensures that Greenpeace remains independent, which is vital if to uphold an uncompromising position on any environmental issue.
Donations over $2 can be tax deductible. However, receipts for donations will only be issued by Greenpeace when they are specifically requested. Once the activity is completed, fundraisers should provide a list of people requiring receipts on the template document provided detailing all relevant particulars. Greenpeace will then send out receipts directly to donors.
Please note: Any goods or services including; tickets for events or raffles, auction items or goods purchased, are not tax deductible items and will not receive a tax deductible receipt.
• All financial records related to the fundraising activity need to be kept for seven (7) years, according to government requirements. Full records of the activity must be returned to Greenpeace no later than three weeks after the event for auditing purposes.
• If you are going to hold a raffle or other gaming event such as bingo, you should check and comply with your state’s gaming authority about any special conditions.
• All expenses associated with fundraising activities are the responsibility of the fundraiser. However, expenses necessary to conduct the fundraising activity can be deducted from the proceeds, provided they are properly documented. Total expenses must be less than 40% of all proceeds.
• Funds raised in aid of Greenpeace cannot be used to buy equipment or make a donation to another organisation.
• Fundraisers must make it clear in all their dealings with the public, sponsors and supporters that they do not represent Greenpeace, but are raising funds that will be provided to Greenpeace to support its activities. Suggested wording would be “proudly supporting Greenpeace” or “funds raised will help Greenpeace to save our environment.”
• Fundraisers are not employees or agents of Greenpeace, nor are they acting in any other representative capacity. Fundraisers undertake all fundraising activities on their own behalf and at their own risk.
• Greenpeace will not be liable for any injury, damage or loss sustained as a result of any fundraising activities. Fundraisers should note that they are not covered by Greenpeace’s public liability insurance. Any liability insurance required for fundraising events needs to be provided by the fundraisers or venues hired for activities.
Greenpeace’s database of supporters and staff is not available for your event promotion.
Due to resource constraints, Greenpeace staff are unable to assist in soliciting prizes, organising publicity or providing goods and services to assist in the running of a fundraising activity.
Greenpeace reserves the right to withdraw approval to fundraise should it be necessary to protect its reputation.
If the Fundraiser needs to suspend or cancel an activity or event for unforeseen reasons, all Greenpeace property and profits need to be forwarded to the Fundraising Department within two weeks of notification of cancellation.
Payment Details
To make your donation to Greenpeace Australia Pacific
Cheque/Money Order
Greenpeace Australia Pacific
GPO Box 2622
Sydney NSW 2001