Research and Reports

Dig deeper into the issues with Greenpeace research. Our fact sheets and reports provide expert analysis and investigations.

Diver Surveys Reef in the Great Australian Bight. © Richard Robinson / Greenpeace
Report: Forging our Future - 10 requirements to build an export-scale green iron industry in Western Australia
Report: Forging our Future

January 6, 2025

Forging Our Future sets out the ten requirements needed to build a green iron industry in WA quickly.

From Commitment to Action - Achieving the 30×30 target through the Global Ocean Treaty
Report: From Commitment to Action - Achieving the 30×30 target through the Global Ocean Treaty

November 4, 2024

In 2022, the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), which aims to halt and reverse biodiversity loss.…

In Hotter Water - How the Global Ocean Treaty can boost climate action
Report: In Hotter Water - How the Global Ocean Treaty can boost climate action

November 4, 2024

In December 2019, Greenpeace International released 30×30 In Hot Water: The climate crisis and the urgent need for ocean protection. This makes the scientific case for creating a network of marine sanctuaries covering at least 30% of the world’s ocean, both to increase marine life’s resilience to climate change and to help mitigate its effect by protecting natural blue carbon stores. Since In Hot Water was released, new research has shown a possible weakening of the ocean’s ability to sequester and store carbon, while climate impacts on the ocean and coastal communities have worsened.

REPORT: “One Spill Will Kill": A Disaster in the Making

August 8, 2024

Greenpeace Australia Pacific believes Woodside cannot be trusted when it comes to our oceans, reefs and marine life.

The ongoing animal welfare crisis from deforestation in Australia
Report: The ongoing animal welfare crisis from deforestation in Australia

July 30, 2024

Little has improved for wild animals since our last report on this crisis in 2017. Despite some reforms to the Vegetation Management Act in Queensland in 2018, laws and policies in both states have not greatly changed and still allow very large areas of bushland habitat for wildlife to be destroyed every year, likely harming, injuring, and killing millions of native animals every year.

How the Global Ocean Treaty can help repair high seas mismanagement
Report: How the Global Ocean Treaty can help repair high seas mismanagement

June 6, 2024

This report explores how Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) have not met their mandate for sustainably managing the impacts of fishing activity on biodiversity in international waters. It then sets out how the recently won Global Ocean Treaty (BBNJ Agreement) can remedy this systematic mismanagement of biodiversity on the high seas.

A scorecard report on the beef industry's impact on Australian forests and natural ecosystems
Report: Deforestation Crisis on Their Watch

May 9, 2024

Australia is a global deforestation hotspot, driven primarily by the beef industry. About every two minutes, a large football field-sized area of forest and bushland is bulldozed, putting Australia alongside places like the Amazon, Congo and Borneo on the scale of destruction.

People vs Plastic: Global support for a strong Plastics Treaty
Report: People vs Plastic - Global support for a strong Plastics Treaty

April 4, 2024

Plastic pollution has flooded our planet. Pollution from plastics touches every corner of the globe reaching the deepest parts of our oceans, the highest mountain peaks and even contaminating our rainwater. Plastics harm multiple ecosystems at every stage of their life cycle, damaging people’s health, accelerating social injustice, destroying biodiversity and fuelling the climate crisis.

Unilever’s complicity in the plastics crisis and its power to solve it
Report: Unilever’s complicity in the plastics crisis

November 29, 2023

In this report, Greenpeace International investigates the reality behind these soundbites. We expose the blight of Unilever’s single-use sachets on low-income communities and the glaring gap that exists between what the company says it will do, and what it actually does.

REPORT: 30×30 From Global Ocean Treaty to Protection at Sea

September 13, 2023

This report offers clear routes to action to get across the finishing line and help the oceans thrive again.

Greenpeace Report: Blasting our Ocean: Woodside’s Dangerous Seismic Plan
REPORT: Blasting our Ocean: Woodside’s Dangerous Seismic Plan

December 13, 2022

Woodside Energy aims to start risky seismic surveying for its Scarborough gas project. The process uses underwater airguns to blast powerful sound waves towards the seabed to assess fossil fuel…

Greenpeace Report: The Internal Combustion Engine Bubble
REPORT: The Internal Combustion Engine Bubble

November 11, 2022

Current auto industry planning is not aligned with a 1.5°C compatible carbon budget and might result in millions of vehicles manufacturers can’t sell. This report aims to shed light on…

SUBMISSION: On the Climate Change Bill 2022 and the Climate Change (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2022

October 24, 2022

A decade of inaction on climate change has seen Australia and its Pacific Island neighbours suffer through catastrophic bushfire, floods and cyclones, causing environmental, social and economic devastation. The Climate…

Greenpeace Report - The Toyota Files - Stalling on Climate Action
REPORT: The Toyota Files - Stalling on Climate Action

September 19, 2022

The dirty secret behind Australia's most trusted carmaker. Toyota has been fighting against effective climate policy all over the world, including in Australia: blocking clean air regulation, flip-flopping on renewables

BRIEFING: Woodside Investor Briefing

August 30, 2022

Woodside promotes itself heavily to the public and its investors as a positive contributor to the climate transition. However, its actions indicate otherwise, and expose the company and its investors to multiple risks. Greenpeace has significant concerns about how Woodside is managing this risk. Woodside’s actions also expose the company and its investors to short-term legal, regulatory, ESG and reputational risk.

Greenpeace Report - Moby Sick, The Costs of Woodside’s Burrup Hub for Whales
REPORT: Moby Sick: The Costs of Woodside’s Burrup Hub for Whales

July 6, 2022

Woodside Energy plans to build the ‘Burrup Hub’ within the known habitat of several threatened and migratory whale species in north west Australian waters.

Greenpeace Report: Deep-Sea Disaster Woodsides Burrup Hub project is too risky to proceed
REPORT: Deep-Sea Disaster, Why Woodside’s Burrup Hub project is too risky to proceed

June 21, 2022

A spill or accident at Woodside’s Burrup Hub gas project could release toxic gas and condensate of a similar consistency to crude oil into World Heritage listed marine parks, with…

BRIEFING: Woodside Investor Briefing 2022
BRIEFING: Woodside Investor Briefing 2022

May 18, 2022

Greenpeace is concerned about Woodside’s current production plans and has identified 12 key risks associated with them.

MEDIA BRIEFING: IPCC’s Working Group 2 Report on Climate Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

February 28, 2022

This report makes clear that the climate crisis is now upon us, and will be the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. With the survival of millions of lives, ecosystems and species on the line, on a scale never before seen, there is no time to waste. We must throw every effort into tackling the climate crisis, and that means deep, rapid emissions cuts within the next few years.

Greenpeace report: Hero to Zero, uncovering the truth of corporate Australia’s climate action claims
REPORT: Hero to Zero, uncovering the truth of corporate Australia’s climate action claims

January 29, 2022

The world is experiencing an unprecedented climate crisis. To stabilise global temperatures, and prevent the situation getting even worse, emissions must reach net zero as soon as possible.

Greenpeace report: Scenarios for the Replacement of the Liddell Power Station
REPORT: Scenarios for the Replacement of the Liddell Power Station

November 27, 2021

The cheapest and lowest emissions option to replace the Liddell coal-burning power station in the New South Wales Hunter Valley is clean energy backed up by batteries, according to a…

Greenpeace Report: How Australia’s Climate Policies Isolate It from the Region and the World
REPORT: Australia - Pacific Bully And International Outcast

November 1, 2021

How Australia’s Climate Policies Isolate It from the Region and the World

Global Warning: the threat to climate defenders in Australia
Report: Global Warning: the threat to climate defenders in Australia

October 24, 2021

COP26 reinforced that the Australian Government is dragging its feet on climate action. Strong democratic systems and climate advocacy are now more important than ever. A new report by Greenpeace Australia Pacific, the Human Rights Law Centre and the Environmental Defenders Office documents the importance of climate activism in Australia, maps the systemic repression faced by climate activists across the country and examines the unregulated political influence of the fossil fuel industry driving that repression.

Greenpeace report: Coal-faced, Exposing AGL as Australia's biggest climate polluter
REPORT: Coal-faced, Exposing AGL as Australia’s biggest climate polluter

May 5, 2021

SYDNEY, 5 May 2021 - AGL, Australia's biggest energy company, is holding back efforts by Australian businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new report released today by Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

REPORT: Te Mana O Te Moana
REPORT: Te Mana O Te Moana

January 1, 2021

The state of the climate in the Pacific 2021

Greenpeace report: The murky world of the deep sea mining industry
REPORT: Deep Trouble

December 1, 2020

The murky world of the deep sea mining industry.

Greenpeace report: Lethal Power, How coal is killing people in Australia
REPORT: Lethal Power, How coal is killing people in Australia

August 25, 2020

Air pollution from Australia’s ageing and increasingly unreliable coal-burning power stations is responsible for 800 premature deaths, 14,000 asthma symptoms among children and 850 cases of low birth weight in…

SUBMISSION: To the Independent Planning Commission: Santos’ Narrabri gas project risks farms, water, climate, and community.

August 21, 2020

The destructive Narrabri fossil gas drilling proposal by Santos is one of the most controversial fossil fuel projects in Australia. Greenpeace contributed to the following submission to the Independent Planning…

Greenpeace report: Recover & Prosper – Recharging the Australian Economy with Clean Energy
REPORT: Recover & Prosper, Recharging the Australian Economy with Clean Energy

July 29, 2020

We're all feeling the effects of the COVID-19 health crisis and the economic hardship that it has brought about. Some of us are suffering more than others. The pandemic arrived at a time when Australia and our Pacific neighbours were already reeling from an unprecedented climate crisis.

Greenpeace report: REenergising Australian business
REPORT: REenergising Australian business: the corporate race to renewable energy

December 4, 2019

A Greenpeace report analyses the sector-by-sector potential job and renewable energy benefits if 80 of Australia’s top companies moved to 100% renewable energy.

Greenpeace report: Equinor’s plan to poison the Great Australian Bight
REPORT: The Dispersant Delusion - Equinor’s plan to poison the Great Australian Bight

November 17, 2019

Our report shows that regulators plan to allow Equinor to respond to an oil spill in the Great Australian Bight by deploying a banned chemical cocktail that doesn’t work.

Report: In Hot Water - The Climate Crisis and the Urgent Need for Ocean Protection
Report: In Hot Water - The Climate Crisis and the Urgent Need for Ocean Protection

November 4, 2019

We are standing at a pivotal moment in history. A global movement unlike anything we’ve seen before is demanding governments take action to address the climate emergency. Young people, inspired…

REPORT: Invisible killer – Toxic sulfur dioxide hotspots revealed in Australia
REPORT: Invisible killer - Toxic sulfur dioxide hotspots revealed in Australia

August 19, 2019

A new Greenpeace report has revealed that Australia is ranked 12th on the list of the top human-caused sulphur dioxide hotspots as tracked by NASA satellites.

Greenpeace report: Big Coal’s network of influence over the coalition government
REPORT: Dirty Power - Big Coal’s network of influence over the coalition government

May 18, 2019

We’ve uncovered the web of connections between the world’s biggest coal giants, industry groups, lobbyists and powerful media organisations that serves to halt action on climate change and stall the…

REPORT: Offshore petroleum drilling and risk - A study of proposed deep-sea exploration drilling in the Great Australian Bight

April 18, 2019

Professor Tina Soliman Hunter, Professor of Petroleum Law and Director of Aberdeen University Centre for Energy Law, outlines the risks of Norwegian oil giant Equinor’s plans to drill for oil…

REPORT: Boom and Bust 2019 - Tracking the Global Coal Plant Pipeline

March 28, 2019

For the third year in a row, the number of coal-fired power plants under development worldwide dropped steeply in 2018. Clean, renewable energy solutions like wind and solar continue to…

POLL: Global warming, Liberal’s plan for emissions unpopular

March 2, 2019

Greenpeace has commissioned independent polling that confirms climate change number one issue on voters minds

POLL: Pro-renewable policies emerge as vote-winners in Victorian election

November 21, 2018

With the polls narrowing as Victorians prepare to cast their ballots in this weekend’s state election, renewable energy has emerged as a key battleground with the victor likely to be…

Greenpeace report - Crude Intentions
REPORT: Crude Intentions

November 20, 2018

Greenpeace Australia Pacific worked with US oil spill consultant and marine biologist, Professor Richard Steiner, the leading ecologist involved in the cleanup and monitoring of the Exxon Valdez disaster in…

ANALYSIS: Electrifying Victoria - the impact of election policies on prices and the climate

November 16, 2018

With the Victorian state election on a knife-edge, Greenpeace Australia Pacific has commissioned modelling on the impact the energy policies of the Victorian Labor party, Liberal/National Coalition, and Greens would have on electricity prices and carbon emissions to 2025.

POLL: Australians want renewable energy

August 6, 2018

More than 70% of Australians want ambitious renewable energy target to drive down electricity prices

POLL: Victorians want renewables

August 6, 2018

Seventy-seven percent of Victorians want Australia to embrace a high renewable energy target, ramping up the pressure on Premier Daniel Andrews to vote against the Turnbull government’s National Energy Guarantee (NEG).

Greenpeace report - The impact of the proposed National Energy Guarantee (NEG) on Australia’s carbon emissions and power prices
REPORT: More Expensive, More Pollution

July 19, 2018

Greenpeace Australia Pacific has released Reputex modelling that shows that the government’s National Energy Guarantee fails on emissions and power prices.

Greenpeace report: The little-known world of Antarctic fishing
REPORT: License to Krill

March 13, 2018

Are krill oil companies stealing food from the mouths of Antarctic penguins and whales?

REPORT: Done and Dusted?

March 1, 2018

February 2018: As Australia transitions away from coal-fired power, questions are raised about the safe management and disposal coal ash, one of the most significant forms of waste in the…

Greenpeace report: Climate change and the Australian Government
REPORT: The double threat to the Great Barrier Reef

July 3, 2017

Climate change and the Australian Government

Greenpeace report: The Truth Behind Australian Coal Exports
REPORT: Steeling the Future

June 6, 2017

This report highlights the role that Australia’s metallurgical coal exports have played in the increasing global use of blast furnace/basic oxygen furnace-based steel production, the most greenhouse gas emission intensive process to produce steel

Greenpeace report: How Resolute is silencing free speech
REPORT: Clearcutting Free Speech

May 15, 2017

Canada’s Great Northern Boreal Forest, stewarded by Indigenous Peoples since time immemorial, includes some of the world’s last large expanses of undisturbed natural forest, is home to threatened species, and…

Greenpeace investigation: Human Rights Abuses and Illegal Fishing in Thailand's Overseas Fishing Industry

December 16, 2016

Greenpeace's 12-month long investigation exposes the activities of Thailand's rogue overseas fishing fleets, the companies behind them and their supply chain connections to export markets including Australia, the US and Europe.
