9 reasons you should be a fan of wind energy
It’s no secret most Australians love renewable energy. But with Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey dismissing wind farms as “appalling” and “utterly offensive”, maybe it’s time we reminded ourselves why wind energy is great for Australia and the world. Wind power has an important role to play in reducing Australia’s contribution to dangerous climate change.…
Worlds’ largest private-sector coal miner dumped by Norway’s largest pension fund
Press release – 1 December, 2014December 2, 2014, Sydney: Norway’s largest pension fund manager, KLP, announced it will dump investments in 27 coal companies overnight, including shares in Peabody Energy Corp – the world’s largest private-sector coal company with extensive coal-mining interests in Australia. KLP are divesting due to concerns about climate change.KLP described their…
Last chance to save the vaquita?
The vaquita is a beastie with some remarkable claims to fame: It’s one of the two smallest cetaceans in the world, just managing to nudge about 1.5metres long on a good day Its name means ‘little cow’, though it is also called the ‘desert porpoise’ as it lives near arid Baja California. They are…
5 tips for eating seafood guilt-free!
Do you know what you’re putting in your mouth? Chances are, when it comes to seafood, you probably don’t.
Overfishing affects me too
With more than 10% of the world’s population depending on fisheries for their livelihood, it’s fair to say that fishing helps make the world go round.
Who brought him? Abbott’s G20 blunders
We all have that one embarrassing uncle. You know, the one that hosts a family function and then proceeds to argue with everyone. The one that brings up all the embarrassing stories, such as the moment when you peed your pants when you were ten. Well, at this year’s G20 summit hosted in Brisbane, Tony…
Monsters of the oceans: 7 criminal super trawlers that threaten our waters
Monster boats. The name says it all. But they’re not the kind of monsters that hide under your bed. They are big, bad and could be floating our way soon – unless we stop them! Loggerhead turtle caught in the net of the Ecuadorean purse seiner ‘Ingalapagos’, which was documented fishing on a fish aggregation…
Greenpeace ramps up Sydney Uni divestment push
Press release – 19 November, 2014Thursday 20 November: Greenpeace is today launching a public advertising campaign calling on Sydney University to divest from Whitehaven Coal – as the controversial company’s share price dive-bombs.“We are ramping up our call for Sydney University to divest from environmental vandal, Whitehaven Coal,” said Greenpeace Climate Campaigner, Nikola Casule. “Right…
Super seiners vs fishermen: How a nation dependant on fishing is being devastated by boats
We usually refer to them as Pacific Island nations, but calling places like Kiribati ocean nations is more accurate. The people of Kiribati are not just surrounded by oceans – they depend on healthy oceans for survival. Kiribati forms one of the biggest exclusive economic zones (EEZ) in the world and boasts one of…