Shell: Dear Greenpeace, We know where you live…
On Wednesday, staff at Greenpeace Germany received an important-looking letter from Shell – well, Shell’s Legal Services department. Over the next 24 hours or so, identical letters arrived at other Greenpeace offices, including here in Australia, Mexico, UK, France, Hungary, Nordic, Japan, Mediterranean, Poland, Greece, Czech Republic, Belgium, Canada and even Greenpeace’s Science Unit. I…
Where is the forest protection in Asia Pulp and Papers ‘new’ forest protection policy?
This morning in Jakarta APP invited journalists to the launch of what it’s PR people grandly referred to as the ‘biggest announcement yet’ which would ‘reveal APP’s greatest commitment to natural forest protection as part of its sustainability program’. Blogpost by Bustar Maitar, Forest Campaigner, Greenpeace SEA Greenpeace was deliberately stopped from entering the press…
Apple can be an environmental leader again
Apple has so many fans because the company knows how to take something great and make it even better. The Green My Apple campaign worked the same way. Greenpeace built some simple tools and let Apple-lovers create unique messages to send directly to Apple. …
Trouble in the Kimberley underscores risk for institutional investors
Press release – 15 May, 2012Sydney 14th May 2012 As tensions escalate around James Price Point, the proposed site of the Woodside gas hub in the Kimberley, Greenpeace Australia Pacific is calling on the industry super funds to reconsider their exposure to such a high risk project through their investment in the joint venture partners.This…
Macken sense: Fortunes, fairy tales and what real dollars could do
Having watched more Budget night speeches than is probably healthy for any woman, I have to say there is always a touch of la lunar about the whole thing. It’s like everyone on the government’s side agrees to take stupid tablets while the Opposition gets tanked on laughing gas, both sides face off and either…