Almost 70 percent of Australians say they want the introduction of national fuel efficiency standards in line with those in Europe, according to a new report released by the Australia Institute today.

Greenpeace Electrify Electric Cars

The Climate of the Nation 2022 report showed wide support for affordable and accessible electric cars through strong fuel efficiency standards, with public support increasing from last year.

“With petrol prices skyrocketing, and transport emissions continuing to rise, ensuring all Australians can access affordable electric vehicles to cut costs and clean up our transport system, needs to be an urgent priority for the federal government.”  said Lindsay Soutar, senior campaigner at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

“Unlocking Australia’s supply of affordable electric cars through strong fuel efficiency standards will save motorists money, clean up our air and cut our reliance on imported foreign oil. Without this important policy measure Australia risks remaining a dumping ground for polluting vehicles other countries will no longer accept.

This poll result comes after over 1500 Australians made personal submissions to the federal government’s new National Electric Vehicle Strategy, calling on the government to accelerate the shift to electric vehicles.

Even eight-year-old car-lover Mason wasn’t shy to tell the government his thoughts, saying “I’m mad! Why can’t we have cool electric vehicles? All of the cool cars are all over the world except Australia!”

“For your National Electric Vehicle Strategy I want you to have a Fuel Efficiency Standard. This means car companys [sic] should sell cool and cheaper cars,” he added.

“If an eight year old gets it, so should we. It’s time for the Albanese government to steer Australia into the fast lane of affordable and accessible electric vehicles.”



Please find 8 year old Mason’s letter to the Federal Government here