SYDNEY, June 13, 2019 – The Queensland Government has approved Adani’s proposed groundwater management plan for the controversial coal mine, despite warnings from CSIRO, GeoScience Australia, and top water scientists.

This afternoon Queensland’s Department of Environment and Science accepted Adani’s proposal to manage impacts on artesian basin water supplies, including the ancient Doongmabulla Springs.Greenpeace Australia Pacific CEO, David Ritter described the decision as “appalling” for people, wildlife and a thriving living planet.

“This decision will be remembered as an infamous failure of good governance of our precious country. Coal is the number one driver of the climate crisis in Australia, which is exacerbating droughts all over the country.”

“As droughts become worse and more intense from climate change, the Queensland Government’s approval of Adani’s plan to let its coal mine suck ancient water sources dry is a slap in the face of common sense.”

The approval came in spite of a scathing assessment released earlier this week by Australia’s top water scientists warning that Adani’s plan could cause the ancient Doongmabulla Springs to stop flowing permanently, driving surrounding wetlands to extinction.

“The advance of Adani’s flawed groundwater management plan through the approval process only shows that the approval process is broken and not fit for purpose.”

“All too often in this country have we seen the terrible destruction that can happen as a result of poor water management decisions such as the recent devastation in the Murray Darling Basin.”

“Adani’s Carmichael project is an instrument of destruction and climate disaster that the Australian legal and regulatory system isn’t designed to see for what it is.”

“We are in the midst of the climate emergency, the extinction crisis and a water crisis. By giving this groundwater management plan the go-ahead, the system is acting to legitimise the madness.”

For more information please contact Communications Manager Nelli Stevenson on 0428 113 346 or email [email protected]