SYDNEY, Sept 19 2019 – Equinor must publicly release the latest version of its environment plan after the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) rejected the original version due to ”gaps”.Earlier today NOPSEMA revealed that the Norwegian oil giant had submitted its revised plan after being given an additional 90 days to address gaps in the plan.

“If Equinor was genuine about consulting coastal communities and other stakeholders like the seafood industry, it would have made this plan public itself,” Greenpeace Australia Pacific Senior Campaigner Nathaniel Pelle said.

“Equinor’s last plan was so flawed that it would have been illegal in its home country of Norway, where restrictions are tighter than in Australia. As it stands the public has no way of knowing whether Equinor has fixed the gaps in its plan or updated its safety standards.

“Equinor should release any additional information or changes to its environment plan for public comment if it is committed to transparency and genuine engagement with stakeholders.”

“The plan should be rejected outright on the grounds that Equinor has still failed to consult with stakeholders who would be affected by an oil spill, which Equinor has admitted is a credible risk.”



NOPSEMA now has 30 days to assess Equinor’s proposal and consider potential environmental impacts from the proposed drilling. NOPSEMA can extend the timeframe of the assessment if additional time is required.

Sydney Environment Institute’s Special Submission to NOPSEMA on the proposed Equinor Drilling Program in the Great Australian Bight


For interviews:

Greenpeace Austraia Pacific Communications Campaigner Martin Zavan

0424 295 422

[email protected]