EXMOUTH – Sunday 25 August 2024 – More than 130 West Australians have joined a peaceful flotilla in Exmouth Gulf, calling on the Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek to protect Scott Reef from Woodside’s controversial Browse project.

Locals took to the water with paddle boards, kayaks, surfboards, jetskis and dinghies off Exmouth Town Beach, floating a 17×17 metre banner reading “Stop Woodside’s Drill”, and chanting “hands off Scott Reef!”

Woodside is proposing to drill up to 50 gas wells around the ecologically significant Scott Reef, off the coast of Broome. Scott Reef is Australia’s largest oceanic reef system, and is home to engaged turtles, hundreds of species of corals and habitat to endangered pygmy blue whales. Woodside wants to extract gas from under the reef for the Browse project, which risks damaging subsidence of the reef system.

Local photographer and dive instructor Wendy Mitchell said: 

“I have spent hundreds of hours swimming, diving and photographing Scott Reef – I know the beauty and abundance of life at stake from Woodside’s gas drilling plans.

“People come to Exmouth because they have a connection with nature and the ocean. It’s clear from the turnout today that people visiting the Ningaloo care so much about protecting our oceans and securing the future of healthy reef systems across all of Western Australia.

“I am really concerned that Woodside plans to go ahead with its Browse project and put Scott Reef and our wildlife at risk. People are genuinely worried about the long term impacts this project will have on our wildlife and ecosystems.” 

The flotilla comes amid unprecedented pressure on Woodside following the WA EPA’s assessment of the serious dangers associated with the Burrup Hub.

Greenpeace Australia Pacific WA Campaign Lead Geoff Bice said:

“The world’s experts have long been calling for an end to new fossil fuel projects and yet here is Woodside planning its biggest ever gas expansion that threatens reefs, endangered species and marine parks. 

“What we are hearing today is that Woodside’s destructive, dirty, dodgy gas plans are at direct odds with what West Australians want for our oceans – healthy, safe, protected and thriving coral reefs.

“Opening new polluting gas fields like Browse only delays Australia’s transition to renewable energy, which is the kind of clean industry the North West needs to create secure jobs long into the future. We’re asking Environment minister Tanya Plibersek to say no to Woodside and the Burrup Hub, and put the catastrophic project out of its misery.”

Dozens of Exmouth locals attended a seminar about Scott Reef last week, hearing from scientists and divers about the unique biodiversity at risk from the Burrup Hub.


Notes to editor:

Greenpeace’s flagship the Rainbow Warrior visited Western Australia last year, documenting the incredible biodiversity of Exmouth, Scott Reef and surrounds at risk of Woodside’s Burrup Hub. 

Images and footage from the flotilla will be available here by Sunday evening

Images and footage of Scott Reef are available here

Greenpeace AP representatives can be made available for interview on request.

For more information or to arrange an interview please contact: