SYDNEY, Friday 5 February 2021 – Greenpeace Australia Pacific has welcomed the Northern Territory government’s ban on seabed mining, calling it a win for our oceans and for common sense.A moratorium on mining activities in the sea and coastal waters of the Territory is due to expire on 5 March 2021, and will now be extended for up to six months to allow for the Northern Territory Environment Minister to consult on the draft prohibition declaration.

“This is a great day for common sense and the protection of our precious oceans. Mining the sea floor is an absolutely insane idea, and the Northern Territory Government has made a critically important move in banning it,” said Greenpeace Australia Pacific spokesperson Nelli Stevenson

“The seas surrounding the Northern Territory are home to coral reefs, seagrass meadows, and mangroves – all crucially important for supporting marine wildlife like turtles, whales and dolphins”

“Oceans are incredibly important, not only as the lungs of our planet and the home for our precious ocean wildlife, but they store enormous amounts of carbon dioxide in the seabed, and disrupting this by opening up mines on the sea floor will make the climate crisis worse.”

“The ocean must remain off-limits to the mining industry to prevent further biodiversity destruction and potentially damaging a critical carbon sink.“

Greenpeace is calling on governments around the world to not authorize or sponsor any deep seabed mining activities, not subsidize deep seabed mining research, exploration and/or exploitation activities, and not continue to develop the mining code under the International Seabed Authority.

For more information please contact Head of Communications Nelli Stevenson on 0481 303 815 or email