Press release – 10 October, 2014Friday 10 october, 2014: Following a Greenpeace campaign, LEGO published a statement [1] this morning committing to ‘not renew the co-promotion contract with Shell’. This decision comes a month after Shell submitted plans to the US administration showing it’s once again gearing up to drill in the melting Arctic next year [2].During Greenpeace’s three month campaign, more than one million people signed a
calling on LEGO to stop promoting Shell’s brand because of its plans to drill for oil in the pristine Arctic. In stark contrast to Shell, LEGO’s policies include a commitment to produce more renewable energy than they use, phase out oil in their products and, in cooperation with its partners, leave a better world for future generations [3].
In its statement, LEGO argued the dispute was between Greenpeace and Shell. However, Greenpeace insists that while LEGO is doing the right thing under public pressure, it should choose its partners more carefully when it comes to the threats facing our children from climate change. Due to contractual obligations, LEGO’s
current co-promotion
with Shell will be honoured.
Ian Duff, Arctic campaigner at Greenpeace, said
“This is a major blow to Shell. It desperately needs partners like LEGO to help give it respectability and repair the major brand damage it suffered after its last Arctic misadventure. Lego’s withdrawal from a 50 year relationship with Shell clearly shows that strategy will not work.”
“The tide is turning for these fossil fuel dinosaurs that see the melting Arctic as ripe for exploitation rather than protection. The message should be clear; your outdated, climate wrecking practices are no longer socially acceptable, and you need to keep away from the Arctic or face being
by society.”
LEGO is the latest in a line of leading global companies to walk away from a relationship with the fossil fuel industry. In late 2012 Waitrose announced it has put its partnership with Shell on ice [4] and in the last month Microsoft, Google and Facebook all made commitments to end their support for ALEC, a controversial lobby group that campaigns against climate change legislation [5]. Only weeks ago, the Rockefeller Foundation announced it will begin pulling its investments in the fossil fuel industry [6].
In September, Greenpeace Australia Pacific CEO David Ritter accompanied Kiribati President Anote Tong to the Arctic to highlight its importance to countries on the climate change front line. "The Arctic may seem distant, but it’s health is vital to all of us," said Ritter. "Lego’s decision is yet another clear sign that the world is turning its back on companies such as Shell who are putting the Arctic – and our future – at risk."
Shell’s past attempts to drill in the Arctic have been plagued with multiple operational failings culminating in the
running aground of its drilling rig, the Kulluk
. The extreme Arctic conditions, including giant floating ice-bergs and stormy seas, make offshore drilling extremely risky. And scientists say that in the Arctic, an oil spill would be impossible to clean up meaning devastation for the Arctic’s unique wildlife [7].
But on 28 August 2014 Shell submitted new plans to the US administration for offshore exploratory drilling in the Alaskan Arctic [8], meaning it’s on course to resurrect its Arctic drilling plans as early as summer 2015.
In the past two years, a massive global movement has emerged calling for a sanctuary around the North Pole, to protect the Arctic and its unique wildlife from the onslaught of oil drilling and industrial fishing. More than
six million people
have joined the movement, and more than 1,000 influential people have signed an
Arctic Declaration
, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Emma Thompson and Sir Paul McCartney.
On 19 September UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, met with Arctic campaigners to receive a global petition and said he would consider convening an international summit to discuss the issue of Arctic protection.
Contact for media requests: James Lorenz on 0418 408 683
Note to editors:
As part of the campaign, Greenpeace released a video
LEGO: Everything is NOT awesome
which reached nearly six million views. The video was temporarily taken down from YouTube because of a copyright complaint which was later withdrawn.
LEGO is keeping bad company: no more playdates with Shell
Media briefing:
Shell’s threat to the Arctic
End notes:
Lego statement
Shell Submits a Plan for New Exploration of Alaskan Arctic
, New York Times, 2014
[3] LEGO’s values, see
You did it! Waitrose puts Shell relationship on ice
, Greenpeace, 2012
Facebook set to become latest tech giant to abandon rightwing lobby group Alec
, Guardian, 2014
Rockefellers go green: Rockefeller foundation divests funds in fossil fuel industries
, Independent, 2014
Oil Spill Prevention and Response in the U.S. Arctic Ocean
, The PEW Charitable Trusts, 2010
Shell Submits a Plan for New Exploration of Alaskan Arctic
, New York Times, 2014
LEGO ends 50 year link with Shell, after one million people respond to Save the Arctic campaign
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Greenpeace Australia Pacific is a global independent campaigning organisation that uses peaceful protest and creative confrontation to expose environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.
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