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Greenpeace delivers 30-metre climate emergency message to PM during Binna Burra visit
SYDNEY, 13 Sept 2019 – Greenpeace activists have deployed a 30-metre ‘climate emergency’ banner at the site of the iconic former Binna Burra Lodge, as Prime Minister Scott Morrison arrived to survey the damage caused by bushfires this week.Tony and Lisa Groom, son and granddaughter of the founder of the destroyed heritage-listed building are onsite…
Call it what it is: climate emergency motion to be pushed in Parliament
SYDNEY, 11 Sept 2019. Former Liberal Party leader John Hewson will join members of the Federal crossbench and call on the Australian Parliament to declare a climate emergency, in a motion to be released today.If successful, Australia will join over 990 jurisdictions in 18 countries representing 212 million citizens who have formally acknowledged the climate…
More clean energy needed as ageing and unreliable coal-burning power stations failing more often
SYDNEY, Aug 22, 2019 – Continued Federal Government failure to plan is putting Australian energy at risk, with aging coal plants increasingly failing.This morning AEMO published its annual Electricity Statement of Opportunities, which predicts risks to the grid, potential power shortfalls and investment opportunities over the next ten years. “The threats AEMO has identified are…
Coles is going clean, will Woolworths be next?
Coles has just announced a landmark 10-year deal to build three new solar farms in regional New South Wales, which will generate enough clean renewable energy to power 39,000 homes.According to a media release, Coles will purchase more than 70% of the power generated by the three solar farms in order to meet 10% of…
Seismic blasting reprieve welcome, but the whales of the Great Australian Bight won’t be safe until drilling is permanently banned
SYDNEY, Aug 21, 2019 – Greenpeace welcomes the decision by marine geophysics company PGS to suspend seismic blasting in the whale sanctuary of the Great Australian Bight but warns the only way to ensure the long term health of the region is for every drilling licence in the Bight to be cancelled.This morning PGS told…
Ten years on from one of Australia’s worst oil spills all the conditions remain in place for a repeat
SYDNEY, Aug 21, 2019 – Ten years ago today the Montara well blowout caused more than 23 million litres of oil to poison the waters of the Timor Sea, and yet the hands-off inspection regime that led to the disaster remains in place as Norwegian oil giant Equinor plans to drill in the Great Australian…
Invisible killer: Coal-burning hubs Latrobe, Hunter Valley named among world’s top air pollution hotspots
SYDNEY, 19 Aug 2019 – Some of the world’s biggest hotspots for toxic air pollution emissions are in Australia and cover a population of more than two million people, according to NASA satellite data in a new report released today by Greenpeace. The alarming new report has found that power stations and industries burning coal…
Pacific rebukes Australian obstruction at regional meeting, warns ‘watered-down climate language has real consequences’
SYDNEY, Aug 16, 2019 – The Morrison Government has single-handedly bullied regional leaders into accepting a weakened Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) communique that removes all mentions of coal, and reportedly removes calls for urgent climate action, after 12 hours of debate that finished last night.Tuvalu prime minister and forum chair Enele Sopoaga described the marathon…
Morrison defies Pacific ‘family’, seeks to remove Australian coal phase-out from Pacific Islands Forum communique
SYDNEY, Aug 14, 2019 – Australia is poised to become “the pariah of the Pacific” after Australian officials told regional leaders that the Morrison Government would not sign onto any joint declaration that mentioned phasing out coal.Earlier today the PM arrived at the Pacific Islands Forum meeting in Tuvalu, where the heads of island nations…
$500m accounting trick: Morrison ignores Pacific calls to cut coal, promises funds for disaster resilience
SYDNEY, 13 Aug 2019 – Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced $500 million will be diverted from the Pacific aid budget to help nations invest in disaster resilience, after regional leaders called on Australia to “do everything possible to achieve a rapid transition from coal to energy sources that do not contribute to climate change”.The…