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More secret deals at NAIF show ‘slush fund’ must be dissolved
Press release – 10 August, 2017August 11, 2017: The secret departure of a board director of the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) one week before a senate inquiry is yet another clear sign it is operating as a “slush fund” without accountability and must be disbanded.A submission made to the inquiry by the NAIF itself…
Prominent Australians’ open letter warns NAIF board against giving $1 billion of taxpayers’ money to Adani rail line
Press release – 9 August, 2017August 10, 2017: Leaders from Australian business, industry, and academia have published an open letter in The Australian Financial Review calling for the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) to provide more transparency around their policies one day before a senate inquiry into the board’s composition.The letter also calls for members…
Greenpeace urges Minister Upton to ban the bag at Keep NSW Beautiful Congress
Press release – 1 August, 2017Ahead of Minister Upton’s speech at the Keep NSW Beautiful Congress today, Greenpeace sent a colourful message to the NSW Environment Minister to clean up the state’s act and finally ban the bag.Greenpeace parked a 5 metre high mobile billboard out the front of the Congress at the Kirribilli Club…
The Australian people deserve better than dodgy government deals done in secret for Adani
Press release – 1 August, 2017August 2, 2017: Freedom of Information requests have revealed details of the Queensland government’s “transparent policy framework” on Adani is being kept secret with officials asking for help calculating the benefits of the a royalty holiday after its announcement earlier this year.Documents supplied to The Guardian are heavily redacted and…
The cost of NSW and Victoria’s lag on banning the bag – up to two billion more plastic bags a year
Press release – 30 July, 2017July 28, 2017: New analysis by Greenpeace released today shows that if NSW and Vic continue to fail to ‘ban the bag’, an estimated 1.6 – 2 billion more bags per year will be used in Australia, even with voluntary phase outs by supermarkets.The analysis comes as Environment Ministers from…
Politicians left on the wrong side of history as Woolworths and Coles ban single-use plastic bags
Press release – 13 July, 2017July 14, 2017: Greenpeace Australia Pacific welcomes today’s decision by Woolworths and Coles to completely phase out single-use plastic bags over the next 12 months.The supermarket giants today announced they would no longer offer the lightweight plastic shopping bags across their chains of stores network in Australia. “This announcement by…
Huge iceberg breaks off Antarctic Peninsula Larsen C ice shelf
Press release – 12 July, 2017Amsterdam, 12 July 2017 – Responding to news that one of the largest icebergs ever recorded has broken off the Antarctic Peninsula’s Larsen C ice shelf, Paul Johnston, head of Greenpeace International’s Science Unit, said:“The melting ice of Antarctica has always been recognised as a ‘canary in the coal-mine’ warning…