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  • Media statement on the ISAAA GM Crop Lobby 2012 Report

    Press release – 7 February, 2012Wednesday 8 February 2012, Sydney: Greenpeace responded today to a report on the perceived success of genetically modified (GM) crops around the world, which was published by the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), a bio-tech industry lobby organisation.“Contrary to claims in the report, GM crops remain…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Wildlife threat after Christmas Island spill

    Press release – 9 January, 2012Sydney, Tuesday 10 January, 2012: Greenpeace is calling on the Australian Government to dramatically tighten maritime safely regulations following the sinking of a phosphate ship on the coast of Christmas Island.The Tycoon, built in 1983, flies under a Panamanian flag of convenience and is beneficially owned by Taiwanese firm Ocean…

  • Minister Ferguson must clarify over spying allegations

    Press release – 9 January, 2012Sydney, Monday 9 January, 2012: Greenpeace is calling on Energy Minister Martin Ferguson to give a full clarification and the release of all materials relating to the surveillance activities carried out against Greenpeace and other environmental organistions.“Greenpeace is committed to taking action in defence of our environment. Allegations that Minister…

    Greenpeace Australia Pacific
  • Government must block biggest ever Australian mega mine proposal

    Press release – 18 December, 2011Monday December 19, Sydney: With the submission process closing on 19 December, Greenpeace is calling on the Government to reject the application for what would be Australia’s biggest coal mine, proposed in Queensland’s Galilee Basin.Waratah Coal’s China First mine would produce 40 million tonnes of coal per year. According to…

  • ANZ faces new alliance at AGM on the issue of carbon risk

    Press release – 15 December, 2011Darling Harbour, Sydney 16 December 2011: Today a new alliance of polar bears, Greenpeace volunteers and ANZ shareholders joined forces at the bank’s AGM to demand CEO, Mike Smith, come clean on the bank’s new energy policy and its associated carbon risk.The new alliance, including ethical investment firm, Ethinvest, comes…

  • Durban climate talks ending: Polluters won, people lost

    Press release – 11 December, 2011Durban/Sydney – 11 December 2011 – As the latest round of UN climate talks in Durban draw to a close Greenpeace declared that it was clear governments across the world listened to the carbon-intensive polluting corporations instead of listening to the people – people who want an end to our…

  • Greenpeace and Palau bust pirates in Palau shark sanctuary

    Press release – 8 December, 2011Palau, 8 December 2011 – Palauan fisheries officials have boarded and detained a Taiwanese fishing vessel suspected of illegal fishing activities during a joint patrol with Greenpeace of the Pacific Island nation’s exclusive economic zone. The Greenpeace ship Esperanza and the Palauan patrol boat, PSS President H.I. Remeliik, are currently…

  • Polluticians occupy the climate

    Press release – 23 November, 2011Major Polluters Singled Out Week Before United Nations Climate Change Conference in South AfricaSydney/Durban, 24 November 2011 – A new report released today by Greenpeace reveals how a handful of major polluting corporations such as Eskom, BASF, ArcelorMittal, BHP Billiton, Shell and Koch Industries – and the  industry associations they…

  • Greenpeace takes action at site of new dirty coal power station

    Press release – 22 November, 2011‘Julia, keep your word on HRL’Morwell, 23 November 2011: At the site of the proposed “HRL” dirty coal-fired power station south of Morwell, Victoria, Greenpeace activists have laid out a 200 metre long banner with the message ‘Julia, keep your word on HRL’, referencing the Prime Minister’s 2010 commitment to…

  • Greenpeace welcomes carbon price – Still more to do to secure a clean energy future

    Press release – 7 November, 2011Greenpeace Australia Pacific today welcomed the passage of the clean energy legislation through the Senate but said there is still more to do to ensure Australia moves to a low carbon future.In Canberra to mark the passage of the vote, Greenpeace Australian Pacific Head of Communications Dae Levine said the…