Press release – 16 October, 2013The draft Great Barrier Reef Ports Strategy released by the Queensland Government today is an attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of Queenslanders, according to Greenpeace."This policy won’t prevent a single port development proposal and it won’t stop dredging in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area," said Greenpeace Queensland Campaigner Louise Matthiesson.
"It’s a complete con for the Government to claim they are doing the right thing for the environment, it’s nothing more than greenwash."
"There are already proposals for around 40 million cubic meters of dredging along the Great Barrier Reef coast, and the ports strategy will allow all of that to go ahead."
"The five Priority Port Areas where development will be fast-tracked include large natural areas, like Keppel Bay near Yeppoon and Abbot Point near Bowen, which have incredible natural beauty and environmental significance."
"The World Heritage Committee will be deciding next June whether to list the Reef as ‘in-danger’ and we’ll be making sure they understand what this policy really means for the future of the reef," she concluded.
For comment contact: Louise Matthiesson
0406 041 428