SYDNEY, May 26 2020 – Greenpeace Australia Pacific has condemned Energy Minister Angus Taylor’s decision to defy the calls of the international community and prioritise the interests of fossil fuel barons over Australian people.In a letter to the UNFCC, Taylor said that Australia was not increasing its inadequate emissions reduction target and had no plans to update its target before the COP26 climate meeting in 2021.

“Angus Taylor has again shown that the Coalition’s priority is the fossil fuel barons and not the Australian people suffering the deadly impacts of the climate crisis, like this summer’s bushfires which the Bureau of Meteorology confirmed once again at yesterday’s Royal Commission hearing are becoming more frequent and more severe due to climate change,” Greenpeace Australia Pacific Senior Campaigner Nathaniel Pelle said.

“As modernising governments and investors around the world shun coal, oil and gas for clean energy sources like wind and solar, Angus Taylor is scheming new ways to hand over more public money to the biggest polluters who will be allowed to carry on their destructive practices with impunity.   

“The Coalition is charging ahead with a weak climate agenda when it has a pivotal opportunity to put renewable energy at the centre of the economic recovery and support diverse, future-facing industries which will reduce our emissions, grow jobs and support climate action, as recommended by everyone from the International Energy Agency to the Big Four banks – all that stands in the way is the Government’s hand-picked fossil-heavy Covid Commission.” [1] [2]







Greenpeace Australia Pacific Communications Campaigner, Martin Zavan

0424 295 422