SYDNEY, 9 August, 2019 – Federal Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor has announced the development of a “taskforce” to consider options to deal with AGL’s announced closure of the Liddell Power Station in NSW in 2023.“This taskforce is a farce, and all it is serving to do is underline the Federal Government’s obsession with propping up aging coal burners at any cost,” said Jamie Hanson, Head of Campaigns at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.
“Extending the life of old, unreliable and polluting coal-fired power stations like Liddell or considering ‘like for like’ replacements is exactly the opposite of what the Federal Government should be doing.”
“Liddell is already on its last legs and has a track record of major breakdowns. It will cost almost a billion dollars to extend the life of the station for another five years. Taylor needs to get out of the way and let AGL get on with the job of building the renewables they have themselves said are its best replacement.”
“This is the Federal Government positioning themselves to throw money at a dying industry at any cost.”
Earlier this week WA Premier Mark McGowan announced the retirement of two units of the Muja coal power station, saying that keeping them open would have led to higher energy bills and an unstable electricity supply.
“This is part of a pathetic culture war centred around Taylor’s obsession with propping up a dying and dirty industry at any cost. Australians want to move on and see solutions in the form of clean and reliable renewable energy and storage.”
“New renewables are cheaper than coal. We are already on track to get a third of our energy from clean renewable energy sources in the next two years.”
“As the supposed minister for emissions reduction, Angus Taylor’s track record so far has been pathetic. Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions have been going up for over four years and the Federal Government’s own data shows this.”
“From extreme droughts, unprecedented bushfires, and a reef on life support, we are living in a climate emergency and we need to start acting like it. While the Federal Government refuses to lead, we’re looking forward to working with the state governments, local councils, and businesses who take the issue of climate change seriously.”
For more information, please contact Greenpeace Australia Pacific Communications Manager Nelli Stevenson on 0428 113 346 or email