It’s time to make polluters pay. If corporations paid fair taxes on their profits and pollution we could support communities impacted by climate change while also transitioning away from fossil fuels.
To: Prime Minister Albanese and Governments around the world.
We demand coal, oil and gas corporations pay their fair share through significant new taxes and fines to help communities around the world recover and rebuild from climate impacts and invest in climate solutions.
Petition | Make Polluters Pay
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It’s time for Governments to hold coal, oil and gas corporations accountable.
Coal, oil and gas corporations have known for decades that their products cause climate change. Instead of changing course, they covered it up. Now just 78 corporate and state-producing entities are responsible for over 70% of the pollution that’s driving climate change and increasing extreme weather. But they’re leaving the rest of us to foot the bill.
Everyday Australians are already paying $13 billion per year to clean up after unnatural disasters. People living in low-income countries and communities - including across the Pacific Islands - face even more severe impacts from climate change.
Meanwhile, Australia’s biggest fossil fuel companies often pay less tax than the typical Australian worker, while we subsidise their operations with our tax dollars. That’s not fair. We shouldn’t let billion-dollar companies profit off polluting while those least responsible for climate change pay the price.
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